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Custom code inside model?

Posted 9 years ago

One of the great features in Simulink is how you can add blocks of custom MATLAB code that does something complex with simulation variables and outputs values as a result. I wonder if something similar is possible in SystemModeler?

For example, if I want to implement an optimal controller - so I would need to do numerical optimization at certain time steps... there isn't a block for that in SystemModeler, but there is NMinimize in Mathematica and I'd like to write a code snippet that I can insert into my SystemModeler model that uses Nminimize. How is this possible? Thanks a lot!

POSTED BY: Danylo Malyuta

This isn't currently possible, but something we have been looking at offering for a future version of SystemModeler.

Your interest has been noted and will influence what we focus on going forward!

POSTED BY: Malte Lenz
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