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Can anyone help me out please?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi I have this code, but its not working in Mathematica 10. I'll be very thankful to you Please convert it into Mathematica 10. I have attached the file as well. Regards

POSTED BY: Muzahoo jee
6 Replies

I cleaned up a bit your notebook. Some comments:

  1. You don't have do everything in a single cell.
  2. user lowercase for your function names
  3. Don't forget the colon when defining funcitons. := instead of just =
POSTED BY: Gustavo Delfino
Posted 9 years ago

That is really a great help Mr Gustavo I really appreciate your efforts Regards

POSTED BY: Muzahoo jee
Posted 9 years ago

Mr Gustavo I'll be very thankful for your time I'd like to ask few more things I'm not able to convert this PolarMap function into ParametricPlot. Could you please help me out with this as well. Thanks in advance

POSTED BY: Muzahoo jee

Please take care to do the following.

(1) Include a descriptive subject header (makes future searches more likely to find relevant threads)

(2) Include at least a brief synopsis of the question and problem/encountered in the post itself. If the code is not too long, that also can be in the body of a post, otherwise a notebook attachment is fine.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
Posted 9 years ago

Hi Mr Daniel I'm finding it very difficult to convert CartesionMap or PolarMap functions into ParametricPlot function. I'll be very thankful to you, Please explain me the working.


POSTED BY: Muzahoo jee

Hello, maybe this helps:

GraphicsComplexMap (Wolfram Language Compatibility Information) The new two-parameter form of ParametricPlot now provides the functionality of GraphicsComplexMap.

POSTED BY: Roberto Dinapoli
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