Thank you for the followup. It's much appreciated.
In the following I attempt to implement the suggestions and compare them (little involved since my original function was a list of strings and not a list of quantities), attempting to obtain some timing comparisons. Although not all comparisons could be carried out, it appears that several issues are worth noting.
1) with respect to evaluating depths that are integers vs. depths that are reals, the efficiency of the unit conversion doesn't seem to be affected.. However, there seems to be considerable differences in run times for different sets of runs, presumably associated with Network latency, which is generally as large relative to actual computation times.
Thus, Dana's suggestion works nicely for this, when the length of the list is small, but takes a very wait time long time (about 5 minutes for 1000 entries even though I am running on a Comcast 150MB/sec Network, possibly due to Network errors + latency. The actual computation time is about 21.7 sec to pass reals vs 18.9 sec to pass integers]. Maybe just bad (noisy) service (I pay a fortune, mostly to watch commercials)?
2) using the following code (see below), I am unable to get Gianluca's alternative approach using switch to work and output seem to remain unevaluated. I must be missing something here.
3) Network errors can make the conversions take a long time and consequently, I could not get Sean's approach to work, because of network timeout errors, except for the shortest of lists.
4) I don't quite understand what Gianluca was trying to tell me with respect to syntax, although it's been evident for some time that I don't fully appreciate how to use Apply. Perhaps this is because I don't understand what the {g[a], g[b], g[c]} is meant to represent in this particular situation.
Using the variables described below, if I only use the Apply function to the first 10 entries,
In[15]:= depthfun @@@ Take[depthsReal3, 10] (* where do the "{g[a], etc} go/mean here}" ? *)
Out[15]= {"81.9173 feet", "42.874 feet", "91.2999 feet", "4.78915 \
feet", "92.2145 feet", "68.4963 feet", "75.1933 feet", "12.4573 \
feet", "9.4775 feet", "85.2124 feet"}
I only see the unconverted output (still in feet, like I would expect using Apply at level 1), whereas if I Map depthfun (as modified by Gianluca's suggestion)
depthfun /@ Take[depthsReal3, 10]
I get the conversion for the first 10 random real entries of converted quantities as expected:
{Quantity[24.9684, "Meters"], Quantity[13.068, "Meters"],
Quantity[27.8282, "Meters"], Quantity[1.45973, "Meters"],
Quantity[28.107, "Meters"], Quantity[20.8777, "Meters"],
Quantity[22.9189, "Meters"], Quantity[3.79699, "Meters"],
Quantity[2.88874, "Meters"], Quantity[25.9727, "Meters"]}
What follows is a short notebook I used to benefit further from the suggestions kindly offered. Thanks again for the comments. I just might figure out how to do functional programming yet.
Set Seed and Generate 1000 Random Depths
In[2]:= SeedRandom[1234];
In[3]:= depthsReal = Table[ToString[Quantity[ RandomReal[{0, 1000}], "ft"]], 1000];
In[4]:= Take[depthsReal, 10]
Out[4]= {"876.608 feet", "521.964 feet", "86.2234 feet", "377.913 feet", "11.6446 \
feet", "927.266 feet", "543.757 feet", "479.332 feet", "245.349 feet", \
"759.896 feet"}
In[5]:= depthsInteger =
Table[ToString[Quantity[ RandomInteger[{0, 1000}], "ft"]], 1000];
In[6]:= Take[depthsInteger, 10]
Out[6]= {"67 feet", "111 feet", "909 feet", "355 feet", "273 feet", "454 feet", "857 \
feet", "370 feet", "234 feet", "335 feet"}
In[7]:= Quiet[(UnitConvert[#1, "Meter"] & ) /@ depthsReal; // Timing]
Out[7]= {21.7188, Null}
In[8]:= Quiet[(UnitConvert[#1, "Meter"] &) /@ depthsInteger; // Timing]
Out[8]= {18.8906, Null}
Place random depths into a list of Strings rather than a list of Quantities as I originally had:
In[9]:= depthsReal2 =
StringSplit[Table[ToString[Quantity[ RandomReal[{0, 100}], "ft"]], 1000]];
In[10]:= depthsInteger2 =
Table[ToString[Quantity[ RandomInteger[{0, 100}], "ft"]], 1000]];
In[11]:= depthsInteger3 =
Table[depthsInteger2[[i, 1]] <> " " <> depthsInteger2[[i, 2]], {i, 1,
In[12]:= depthsReal3 =
Table[depthsReal2[[i, 1]] <> " " <> depthsReal2[[i, 2]], {i, 1, 1000}];
In[13]:= (* alternate approach suggested by Gianluca *)
In[14]:= StringCases[
Take[depthsReal3, 5], (n : NumberString) ~~ (Whitespace ..) ~~ unit__ :>
Evaluate@Switch[unit, "m", "Meters", "ft", "Feet", "fm", "Fathoms"]],
"Meters"]] // InputForm
{{UnitConvert[Quantity[49.4188, Switch["feet", "m", "Meters", "ft", "Feet",
"fm", "Fathoms"]], "Meters"]},
{UnitConvert[Quantity[7.21171, Switch["feet", "m", "Meters", "ft", "Feet",
"fm", "Fathoms"]], "Meters"]},
{UnitConvert[Quantity[56.4269, Switch["feet", "m", "Meters", "ft", "Feet",
"fm", "Fathoms"]], "Meters"]},
{UnitConvert[Quantity[14.0274, Switch["feet", "m", "Meters", "ft", "Feet",
"fm", "Fathoms"]], "Meters"]},
{UnitConvert[Quantity[40.3302, Switch["feet", "m", "Meters", "ft", "Feet",
"fm", "Fathoms"]], "Meters"]}}
In[15]:= (*Interpreter["Quantity"][depthsReal3];*)
(*Interpreter["Quantity"][{"567 feet", "483 feet", "151 feet", "261 feet", "364 feet", "30 feet",
"590 feet", "213 feet", "569 feet", "925 feet"}];*)
In[17]:= (* depthfun rewritten As Suggested by Gianluca *)
In[18]:= depthfun[""] := Null;
depthfun[n_ /; n != ""] := Module[{y1, y2}, {y1, y2} = StringSplit[n];
y1 = N@ToExpression[y1];
UnitConvert[Quantity[y1, y2], "Meters"]];
In[20]:= depthfun /@ Take[depthsReal3, 10]
Out[20]= {Quantity[15.0629, "Meters"], Quantity[2.19813, "Meters"],
Quantity[17.1989, "Meters"], Quantity[4.27555, "Meters"],
Quantity[12.2926, "Meters"], Quantity[29.6987, "Meters"],
Quantity[3.15828, "Meters"], Quantity[20.6579, "Meters"],
Quantity[18.9287, "Meters"], Quantity[12.0336, "Meters"]}
In[21]:= depthfun @@@ Take[depthsReal3, 10]
Out[21]= {"49.4188 feet", "7.21171 feet", "56.4269 feet", "14.0274 feet", "40.3302 \
feet", "97.4367 feet", "10.3618 feet", "67.7754 feet", "62.102 feet", \
"39.4802 feet"}
In[22]:= Timing[depthfun /@ Take[depthsReal3, 1000];]
Out[22]= {0.78125, Null}
In[25]:= Timing[depthfun /@ Take[depthsInteger3, 10]]
Out[25]= {0.015625, {Quantity[7.9248, "Meters"], Quantity[27.432, "Meters"],
Quantity[30.1752, "Meters"], Quantity[24.9936, "Meters"],
Quantity[24.0792, "Meters"], Quantity[4.2672, "Meters"],
Quantity[18.8976, "Meters"], Quantity[28.6512, "Meters"],
Quantity[9.144, "Meters"], Quantity[21.0312, "Meters"]}}
(* Don't quite understand when the following construction suggested to me by Wolfram help works and when it doesn't; \
not working here*)
In[24]:= Map[Apply[depthfun[#] &], Take[depthsReal3, 10]]
Out[24]= {"49.4188 feet", "7.21171 feet", "56.4269 feet", "14.0274 feet", "40.3302 \
feet", "97.4367 feet", "10.3618 feet", "67.7754 feet", "62.102 feet", \
"39.4802 feet"}