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Plot a physical expression.

Posted 9 years ago

enter image description here

I want to plot a physical deltag that depends on parameter miuc and omega. The expression includes physical variable and physical constant.

right now ,I want to define the T with unit K(kelvin) and tao with unit s^(-1).

how to do complete the code to get my purpose? Thanks!

4 Replies


In[33]:= Clear[e, k, \[HBar], c, \[Omega], T, \[Tau], \[Sigma]]
e = Quantity["ElementaryCharge"];
k = Quantity["BoltzmannConstant"];
\[HBar] = Quantity["ReducedPlanckConstant"];
c = Quantity["SpeedOfLight"];
(* \[Omega]=2 \[Pi] c/\[Lambda];
\[Lambda] = Quantity[445,"Nanometers"]; 
\[Tau] =Quantity[0.2,"Picoseconds"]; *)
T = Quantity[300, "Kelvin"];
\[Sigma][\[Mu]_, \[Omega]_, \[Tau]_] := 
 I (e^2 k T)/(\[Pi] \[HBar]^2 (\[Omega] + I/\[Tau])) (\[Mu]/(k T) + 
     2 Log[Exp[-\[Mu]/(k T)] + 1]) + 
  I e^2/(4 \[Pi] \[HBar]) Log[(2 Abs[\[Mu]] - \[HBar] (\[Omega] + 
          I/\[Tau]))/(2 Abs[\[Mu]] + \[HBar] (\[Omega] + I/\[Tau]))]

In[40]:= \[Sigma][Quantity[0.2, "ElectronVolts"], 
 2 \[Pi] c/Quantity[1400, "Nanometers"], Quantity[0.2, "Picoseconds"]]

Out[40]= Quantity[(1.90904  - 0.0426355 I), (
 "BoltzmannConstant" (
  "ElementaryCharge")^2 "Kelvins" \

In[41]:= UnitConvert[%]

Out[41]= Quantity[(0.0000608367  - 1.3587*10^-6 I), (("Amperes")^2 (
  "Seconds")^3)/("Kilograms" ("Meters")^2)]

In[46]:= QuantityMagnitude[\[Sigma][Quantity[0.2, "ElectronVolts"], 
  2 \[Pi] c/Quantity[1400, "Nanometers"], 
  Quantity[0.2, "Picoseconds"]]]

Out[46]= 1.90904 - 0.0426355 I

and it is plottable like

  Plot3D[ReIm[QuantityMagnitude[\[Sigma][Quantity[0.4, "Electronvolts"], 
    2 \[Pi] c/Quantity[x, "Nanometers"], 
    Quantity[y, "Picoseconds"]]]], {x, 1400, 1600}, {y, 0.1, 0.5}, PlotPoints -> 10, MaxRecursion -> 0]

enter image description here

The real part is above. If one unuses the options PlotPoints -> 10, MaxIterations -> 0 the plot takes a very long time. Using Quantity in numerics and graphics is definitely an overkill borderlining abuse, the usual method is to compute dimensionless expressions by remembering the actual physical dimension only in plot labels and axes labels.

POSTED BY: Udo Krause
Posted 9 years ago

Thank you! that's very nice of you !


Some more considerations are necessary: If $\omega$ has the dimension of an inverse length and $\tau$ has dimension of inverse time (Hertz), then the sum $\omega + \frac{i}{\tau}$ has incompatible units. With other words, if the chemical potenial $\mu$ has unit Gibbs then the sum $\omega + \frac{i}{\tau}$ needs dimension

In[121]:= UnitConvert["Gibbs"/"ReducedPlanckConstant"]
Out[121]= Quantity[9.482522*10^33, 1/("Moles" "Seconds")]

with other words Hertz/Moles. Let's say you fix that, you can in principle go ahead as follows

Clear[e, k, \[HBar], c, \[Omega], T, \[Tau], \[Sigma]]
e = Quantity["ElementaryCharge"];
k = Quantity["BoltzmannConstant"];
\[HBar] = Quantity["ReducedPlanckConstant"];
c = Quantity["SpeedOfLight"];
(* \[Omega]=2 \[Pi]/\[Lambda];
\[Lambda] = Quantity[445,"Nanometers"]; *)
\[Tau] = Quantity[2178, "Hertz"];
T = Quantity[300, "Kelvin"];
\[Sigma][\[Mu]_, \[Omega]_] := 
 I (e^2 k T)/(\[Pi] \[HBar] (\[Omega] + I/\[Tau])) (\[Mu]/(k T) + 
     2 Log[Exp[-\[Mu]/(k T)] + 1]) + 
  I e^2/(4 \[Pi] \[HBar]) Log[(2 Abs[\[Mu]] - \[HBar] (\[Omega] + 
          I/\[Tau]))/(2 Abs[\[Mu]] + \[HBar] (\[Omega] + I/\[Tau]))]

calling it like

\[Sigma][Quantity[1.4, "Gibbs"], 2 \[Pi]/Quantity[445, "Nanometers"]]

to get an error message

Quantity::compat: 1/(Nanometers) and 1/(Hertz) are incompatible units >>

of course.

POSTED BY: Udo Krause
Posted 9 years ago

Thank you very much! I'm sorry for my mistake that omega has the dimension of inverse time Hertz beause of omega=c*k[SpeedOfLight multiply VectorNumber]

right now ,I want define [Mu] as a variable with dimension of ElectronVolt. I can't get it in my computer's mathmatica as following code : [Mu]=QuantityVariable[[Mu],"ElectronVolt"]

how to rectity my falut to get my purpose to plot [Sigma] vs diffrent [Mu] ranging from 0 eV to 0.5 eV.

farther more.

I want plot sigma with variable [Mu] ranging from 0eV(ElectronVolts) to 0.5eV;[Lamda] ranging from 1400nm to 1600nm ,which changes the values of [Omega]. and parameters [tau] ranging from 0.1ps[picoseconds] to 0.5ps. Would you please help me to rectify my fault .Thanks!

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