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What is wrong with my Mathematica code, why is it so slow?

Posted 9 years ago

I've been programming in Mathematica for a couple years. I realize that For[] loops are not idiomatic and can be rather slow, but I don't see why the code below (the equivalent of which runs in 4 minutes in Racket - scheme - lisp) takes 43 hours (!!!) in Mathematica:

ClearAll[blumblumshub, makelines, vectorXprod, euler165] 
blumblumshub[n_] := 
 Block[{s = {290797}}, 
  For[i = 1, i <= n, i++, AppendTo[s, Mod[Last@s*Last@s, 50515093]]]; 
  Return[Map[Mod[#, 500] &, Rest@s]]]
makelines[n_] := 
 Block[{raw = blumblumshub[4 n]}, 
  Map[{{raw[[#]], raw[[# + 1]]}, {raw[[# + 2]] - raw[[#]], 
      raw[[# + 3]] - raw[[# + 1]]}} &, Range[1, 4 n, 4]]]
vectorXprod[{a_, b_}, {c_, d_}] := a*d - b*c
euler165[n_] := 
 Block[{l = makelines[n], l1, l2, i, j, fl1, ll1, fl2mfl1, ll2, rxs, 
   t, u, hits = {}},
  For[i = 1, i < n, i++, l1 = l[[i]]; fl1 = First@l1; ll1 = Last@l1;
   For[j = i + 1, j <= n, j++, l2 = l[[j]]; fl2mfl1 = First@l2 - fl1; 
    ll2 = Last@l2;
    rxs = vectorXprod[ll1, ll2];
    If[rxs != 0, t = vectorXprod[fl2mfl1, ll2/rxs];
     If[t > 0 && t < 1, u = vectorXprod[fl2mfl1, ll1/rxs];
      If[u > 0 && u < 1, AppendTo[hits, fl1 + t*ll1]]]]]];
euler165[5000] // Timing

If you change the 5000 to 1000 it still takes over 3 minutes.

What am I doing wrong? I replaced the For[] loops with While[] loops but that didn't help, unsurprisingly.

Thanks! -Joe

POSTED BY: Joe Gilray
4 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Very nice. Thanks for the education. It still didn't speed up the performance, but looks so much more idiomatic!


POSTED BY: Joe Gilray

Your blumblumshub seems a good opportunity to try NestList:

Mod[Rest@NestList[Mod[#^2, 50515093] &, 290797, n], 500]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

I suspect that the problem is your use of AppendTo, which is quite slow. It's better to generate an array of zeros of the correct size for the final result and then put in the results one at a time.

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
Posted 9 years ago

Removing AppendTo did speed it up! The following code completed in just under 6 minutes... thanks Frank!

ClearAll[blumblumshub, makelines, vectorXprod, euler165] 
blumblumshub[n_] := 
 Mod[Rest@NestList[Mod[#^2, 50515093] &, 290797, n], 500]
makelines[n_] := 
 Block[{raw = blumblumshub[4 n]}, 
  Map[{{raw[[#]], raw[[# + 1]]}, {raw[[# + 2]] - raw[[#]], 
      raw[[# + 3]] - raw[[# + 1]]}} &, Range[1, 4 n, 4]]]
vectorXprod[{a_, b_}, {c_, d_}] := a*d - b*c
euler165[n_] := 
 Block[{l = makelines[n], l1, l2, i, j, fl1, ll1, fl2mfl1, ll2, rxs, 
   t, u, hits = ConstantArray[0, 3000000], next = 1},
  For[i = 1, i < n, i++, l1 = l[[i]]; fl1 = First@l1; ll1 = Last@l1;
   For[j = i + 1, j <= n, j++, l2 = l[[j]]; fl2mfl1 = First@l2 - fl1; 
    ll2 = Last@l2;
    rxs = vectorXprod[ll1, ll2];
    If[rxs != 0, t = vectorXprod[fl2mfl1, ll2/rxs];
     If[t > 0 && t < 1, u = vectorXprod[fl2mfl1, ll1/rxs];
      If[u > 0 && u < 1, hits[[next++]] = fl1 + t*ll1]]]]];
  Length[DeleteDuplicates[hits]] - 1]
euler165[5000] // Timing
POSTED BY: Joe Gilray
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