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How to smooth an 3D plot

Posted 10 years ago

Here I have two Lists. Named as "root1" and "Att". I have plotted 3 D plots for them Using "ListPlot3D" command. The surfaces generated are not smooth. Is there any algorithm which can make these surfaces smooths ??

Hereby, I am attaching a file regarding this. Kindly find it in attachments.


POSTED BY: abhishek sharma
2 Replies

Thanks for response ...

But this method is highly error generating... As you can see that initially it produces the surface enter image description here

Where as after interpolation it produces the Surface enter image description here

Which shohs a huge error in Z axis...

POSTED BY: abhishek sharma

You can use Interpolation, after converting your triples {x,y,z} into the structure {{x,y},z}:

f = Interpolation[root1 /. {x_Real, y_, z_} :> {{x, y}, z}];
Plot3D[f[x, y], {x, .1, .4}, {y, .1, 9}]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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