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Architecture of Wolfram Alpha

Posted 10 years ago


I am really curious to learn about Wolfram Alpha and its back-end technology. Any pointers where I can learn about it?

Best, Vijay

POSTED BY: Vijay Sharma
3 Replies

The back end technology of Wolfram|Alpha is Wolfram Language. You could start reading about or developer page, or API docs, or about grammar, - etc. - just search Wolfram sites. Also consider applying for Wolfram Innovation Summer School where hands on projects are done.

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie


Thank you for the links and pointers above. It was really amazing and good to read. May I know if you are working on Wolfram Alpha? I want to continue further from above posts and want to do some hands-on experimentation. Any experiments or projects which I can start on, let me know.

Best, Vijay

POSTED BY: Vijay Sharma

You can start from a collection of Stephen's blogs. Especially:

Also some posts by Michael Trott where he talks about integration in Wolfram Language.

Here is a schematics pinpointing the difference between Wolfram|Alpha and Watson from one of Stephen's posts.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
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