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Mathematica is slow/unresponsive when monitor is connected via Mini DP

Posted 9 years ago

I'm running Mathematica 10.3 on a fairly powerful computer (Windows 7). I normally use two monitors - 1440p (my main) and 1080p (using extend desktop). When my 1440p is connected via the Mini DisplayPort, Mathematica becomes very unresponsive. E.g., whenever I try to move the input marker, or when I try to mark and copy some line of code, Mathematica hangs: The Windows busy icon pops up and starts spinning while the notebook window says "not responding". When I unplug my 1440p and run only with my 1080p display (connected via DVI), Mathematica runs fine. Also, I do not have this problem when running Mathematica on my laptop.

Is there a fix for this problem?

POSTED BY: B Johansen

I would contact Wolfram Technical Support about this kind of problem. It's unlikely that anyone here has had the same issue:

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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