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Subscript for Latex not working

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, I want to calculating value for summation formula which contains subscript. For this, I am using latex formula as: {K R{y}} = \sum (N{i,j}) * ((B E{y,i}) - (PE{y,i,j}))* (O F_{y,i,j})

This formula gets correctly displayed in MathJax.

However in wolframaplha the result is: Wolfram|Alpha doesn't understand your query Showing instead result for query: F_(y,i,j)

Is there any different notation for subscript with comma seperated values? Please help.

Thank you

Regards, Ankur

POSTED BY: Ankur d
2 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

I'm not a TeX expert, so it's not 100% clear to me what you're trying to sum. I would think that to "calculate a value" you would need explicit limits for the indices. I also suspect you may have errors: it looks like you didn't subscript parts of your expression.

I would suggest two approaches: (1) Look at Mathematica's documentation for ToExpression. You can specify TeXForm in ToExpression, and once you clean up your TeX, that might work for you. (2) Try to use Mathematica syntax and re-create your equation from scratch in Mathematica. This will involve defining custom functions as well as using Mathematica built-in functions like Sum.

Maybe if you could explain what your expression is trying to compute or what you are trying to achieve, I could be of more help.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey

The best way to enter Math commands on Alpha I found is to use, as close as possible, Wolfram language syntax. Here is a good link on the syntax it is not required to use Wolfram language syntax of course, but I found this gives best results.

POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
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