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Issues after import with headings in excel file

Posted 9 years ago

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Hello, I want to know if is possible to associate the headings of the columns/rows after I've imported a file in Mathematica. I have to import a file from excel just like the image below (the real file has hundreds of columns and rows). After I've imported the file is there a way to link the headings with the content of the row/column?. For example I need to know a specific number, or a specific sector. For example, if I want to know the value of the Agriculture in EE region (EE is an abbreviation for Europe, it isn't a constant), or a value of an entire sector, are there some ways to recall what i need? Thanks and sorry if my English isn't perfect!

2 Replies

You have the same headings for both rows and columns. For example, EE Agriculture is supposed to be taken from row 3 or from column C?

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

I don't think i've understand your question. EE Agriculture is always in that position, This file is an Input-Output table (is a matrix nxn). I don't know if is possible to take EE agriculture at the same time for the rows and for the columns. I thinks i need to create some kind of association (or this is what i try until know)

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