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Why is my Plot3D graph showing up with gaps?

Hello all- I am trying to create a 3D plot of results, and I am getting unexplained gaps in the graph. I already tried Exclusions-> None and the gaps were still there. Now, I am trying PlotRange -> All, Mesh -> False, MaxRecursion -> 5 but it is taking hours and hours to run... any suggestions or ideas? Thanks, Laura

POSTED BY: Laura McMullen
3 Replies

Hi, I got it working by using MaxRecursions! Thanks!

POSTED BY: Laura McMullen

Agree with David - picture is not enouph, show us your equation (or data).

Posted 9 years ago

Hi Laura, If you post your code in a code block it can be copied and pasted into Mathematica, so readers can have a look. If it's too large for that, you could attach a notebook.

Best, David

POSTED BY: David Keith
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