Hello, I would like to ask, I have the following task:
sided interval estimate - OK,
using the test results will be released position P value, - OK
based on the P value set significance level = number - OK
number = derive the interval for location and variability test ..... ???
data = RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1],
300]; (* Generování dat. *)
{Text["Oboustranný odhad st?ední hodnoty:"], strh = MeanCI[data],
Text["Oboustranný odhad rozptylu:"],
rozpt = VarianceCI[data],
Text["Oboustranný odhad sm?rodatné odchylky:"], smod = Sqrt[rozpt],
Text["Hodnota PValue:"],
polohaP = LocationTest[data, 0, "PValue"],
Text["Nastavení hladiny významnosti dle PValue:"],
hladina = polohaP}]
Thanks for the advice :)