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Mathematica Online: Falls Woefully Short for a Paid Product

Posted 9 years ago

I feel rather cheated after having spent $21 AUD on a subscription to a product that, based on my experience with the desktop version, would be highly functional. Of course I was prepared for a few bugs, given that Mathematica Online is still in beta, but I was not prepared for the astounding dearth of features, and the baffling errors produced when attempting to run even the most basic functions — e.g.:

Attempting to follow the

It's pitiful. Also pitiful is the lack of customer support. I used Mathematica Online for all of a couple of hours before shutting it down in disgrace, and cancelling by subscription soon thereafter. I contacted Wolfram about refund, but they simply ignored my request. Consequently, my view of the company has deteriorated severely, and I can't see myself using any of their products in the future.

POSTED BY: Michael Audas
5 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Related to this: which browser is known to deliver the best experience with Mathematica Online? I'm on OS X (latest).

I'm guessing Chrome, but would love to hear what others are using, and their degree of satisfaction.

POSTED BY: Steven Black
Posted 9 years ago

Thank you, David. You're quite right to caution me against throwing out the proverbial baby with the bathwater in this instance. I completely concur that the desktop version is an amazing product, it would be rash to swear off using it based on this experience alone. But given that I had already had some (albeit relatively limited) experience with the desktop version, I already knew that Wolfram were capable of producing exceedingly high-quality products, I think that I was more frustrated by the apparent lack of customer support on their part. They did, however, eventually get in contact with me, so it turns out that I was just being a tad impatient.

POSTED BY: Michael Audas

Well I recognized a particular class of general frustration that I know well (personal admission!) so I thought a bit of calming was in order. I am glad it helped ;-)

POSTED BY: David Reiss

I think your feedback is very valuable, and I know that Wolfram employees read this page in detail. I would hope that they contact you to learn more in detail about the nature of your Mathematica Online experience and then move that information into the iterative development process for the product. I'd think that they want it to be as responsive and usable as possible based on the underlying technologies. But, given that, I would recommend that (in the heat of the emotional moment of being angry at the experience that you are having--and rightly so in many ways), you do not "throw the baby out with the bathwater". Desktop Mathematica is an amazing product and incredibly useful. But clearly there are (keeping with the baby metaphor) birthing traumas for aspects of the Online version.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

I wonder how much the user experience varies from one continent to another. I have the feeling that the responsiveness of the system is not the same everywhere (I mean, beyond what one would expect). And I believe the same happens with the community site.

POSTED BY: Pedro Fonseca
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