Hi everyone! I am using the latest version of Mathematica, ie, 10.3.1. I want to save a plot with its legends and I am using Rasterize for that but when i am using it there appears a small triangle at the bottom left of the plot. Why is that happening? I am sharing the commands I am using
ComplexExpand[{Im[z] < Im[(5 + 4 I) Cos[30]],
Im[z] > Im[(5 + 4 I) Cos[2*60 - 30]], Im[z] < Im[5 + 4 I]} /.
z -> x + I y], {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}, Axes -> True,
AxesLabel -> {HoldForm[Re[\[Zeta]]], HoldForm[Im[\[Zeta]]]},
PlotLegends -> {k Cos[\[Theta]], k Cos[2 \[Alpha] - \[Theta]], k},
PlotLabel ->
Common Strip of Analyticity of Fourier Transform of \[Phi]]]]]