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How to do Cos 48, then Cos 49 and on up to 58 degrees

I would like to know how to program and how to plot a semi-repetitive operation. I would like to start to get the numerical value of Cos of 48 degrees and plot it. Then Cos 49 degrees and plot it and so on up to 59 degrees.

thanks Jake

POSTED BY: Jake Trexel
8 Replies

Fortran is easier than doing that with Mathematica. I can see why several people said to study the commands of Mathematica vs. the old fashion way.
Thanks Jake

POSTED BY: Jake Trexel

Since "Old School" approaches were mentioned, this is just for fun :)

This is not as old as Ptolemy, who got only about 6 digits of precision. Like him, we start with finding the sine of one degree. Then we will rotate a unit vector a degree at a time. Round-off error accumulates so we'll start at 0 degrees and rotate 22 times; then restart at 45 degrees and rotate 22 times. The rest of the table may be filled out by symmetry, by reversing and joining the table. The program uses only old-school arithmetic operations, plus, minus, times, divide. Note that some functions used, such as Dot and FromContinuedFraction, represent elementary arithmetic operations. It would not be too hard to carry this out on paper with a four-function calculator. [Oops, I just realized that I glossed over computing Degree, i.e. Pi -- oh well....Forgive me.]

We'll start by using a modern technique, Taylor series. The degree-7 Taylor polynomial gives a machine-precision approximation of Sin[1 Degree]. The way you compute it makes a difference. The second method avoids a 1 ulp error. We calculate Cos[1 Degree] similarly. (One could use Sqrt[1 - sin^2], if you wish, or your calculator has a square-root button.)

With[{x = (1. Degree)},
  sin = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! - x^7/7!
 ] - Sin[1. Degree]
(*  3.46945*10^-18  *)

  sin = (1. Degree)^2;
  sin = Fold[
    sin (1 - #)/#2 &,
    sin/(7 * 6),
    {5 * 4, 3 * 2}
  sin = (1. Degree) (1 - sin)
 ] - Sin[1. Degree]
(*  0.  *)

We can put an accurate table together by rotating

trigtable = Module[{cos, sin, x, rt2},
   rt2 = FromContinuedFraction[{1., 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}]; (* Sqrt[2.] *)
   x = (1. Degree)^2;
   sin = Fold[        (* Taylor approximation of Sin[1 Degree] *)
     x (1 - #)/#2 &,
     x/(7 * 6),
     {5 * 4, 3 * 2}
   sin = (1. Degree) (1 - sin);
   cos = 1 - Fold[    (* Taylor approximation of Cos[1 Degree] *)
     x (1 - #)/#2 &,
     x/(6 * 5),
     {4 * 3, 2 * 1}
   Join[                                            (* Join 0-22 and reflected 45-67 tables *)
    NestList[                                       (* 0-22 table *)
      {{cos, -sin}, {sin, cos}}.# &,
      {1, 0},        (* start: Cos/Sin @ 0 Degree *)
    Reverse@Transpose@Reverse@Transpose@NestList[   (* reflect 45-67 table *)
      {{cos, -sin}, {sin, cos}}.# &,
      {1, 1}/rt2     (* start: Cos/Sin @ 45 Degree *)
trigtable = Join[    (* reflect 0-45 to create 0-90 table *)

The is accurate to at least the 15 decimal place in all entries.

-Max[trigtable - Table[{Cos[n Degree], Sin[n Degree]}, {n, 0, 90}] // RealExponent]
(*  15.1095  *)

Extract the cosine entries for 49 degrees (index 50) through 59 degrees:

trigtable[[50 ;; 60, 1]]
  {0.6560590289905073`, 0.6427876096865393`, 0.6293203910498374`,
   0.6156614753256582`, 0.6018150231520482`, 0.5877852522924729`,
   0.5735764363510459`, 0.5591929034707467`, 0.544639035015027`,
   0.5299192642332049`, 0.5150380749100542`}
POSTED BY: Michael Rogers

I think you would really benefit by learning the Wolfram Language (i.e. Mathematica) as it's intended to be used and how it is most powerful. Though one can write old school procedural programs in Mathematica using GOTO, RETURN & c, it is almost always the wrong thing to do. Once you know some of the rudiments of the language you will be amazed ;-)

Take a leisurely approach and start working through the introductory book that Stephen Wolfram recently wrote. It's on-line at

POSTED BY: David Reiss

Thanks for the link David

POSTED BY: Jake Trexel

Thank you. I am old school and I still think that I need to write a little program using IF, GOTO and so on. thanks

POSTED BY: Jake Trexel

No need to use Table and a counter in order to form the list; leave the details to Mathematica! Thus:

 ListPlot[Cos[Range[48, 58] Degree], PlotRange -> {All, {-1, 1}}]
POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg

Thank you

POSTED BY: Jake Trexel

Here is an answer to your question, but first, I think that you would profit by starting to teach yourself Mathematica. Here is a link to a thread that covers some beginner books and other resources to learn the Wolfram Language:

ListPlot[Table[Cos[i Degree], {i, 48, 58}],  PlotRange -> {All, {-1, 1}}]
POSTED BY: David Reiss
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