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show tooltips

Posted 9 years ago

This generates 2 points and shows tooltips when hovering over them

  Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], 
    Tooltip[Point[{51, 3}], "Hello\nThis is a tooltip"], 
    Tooltip[Point[{45, 5}], "Hello\nThis is a second tooltip"]}], 

Now I need a background (picture or geomap) with the points on top of it with the tooltips still working. This example overlays one point on a png picture and the tooltip works on the desktop.

g1 = Import["e:\\folder\\ape.png", "Graphics"]
g1 = Graphics[{Opacity[0.3], g1[[1]]}]
func = Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], g1[[1]], 
Tooltip[Point[{150, 50}], "hello"]}]

Using a CloudDeploy the background and foreground point seem to be merged into 1 picture. The tooltips stopped working. Is there a better way to use tooltips in a picture when it needs to work in a webbrowser

note: i also tested the local export graphics to html method but that does not work very reliable.

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