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Getting Tooltip to display anti-log values inside of ListLogPlot ...

Not seeing immediately how to do this. I want Tooltip to display the anti-log (original value), instead of the plotted log value ...

   {1, 8, 36, 120, 330, 792, 1716, 3432, 6435, 11440, 19448, 31824, 
    50388, 77520, 116280, 170544}, {1, 1, 8, 8, 37, 40, 136, 145, 398,
     426, 1021, 1084, 2322, 2463, 4876, 5142}, {1, 1, 7, 8, 33, 39, 
    119, 137, 343, 390, 856, 959, 1903, 2110, 3889, 4270}, {0, 0, 1, 
    0, 4, 1, 17, 8, 55, 36, 165, 125, 419, 353, 987, 872}
 PlotMarkers -> Automatic,
 Joined -> True,
 ImageSize -> Large
POSTED BY: Mark Tuttle
2 Replies

Problem solved ... just need to add input data to Tooltip twice.

ListLogPlot takes Log of 1st value, and Tooltip displays second value - a copy of the 1st.

Should have thought of this earlier.

Thank you, -- Mark

POSTED BY: Mark Tuttle

I'm now thinking I could just copy the original values over again ... and have Tooltip display those?

I was wondering if there was a "dummy variable" solution?

Thank you, -- Mark

POSTED BY: Mark Tuttle
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