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Help with Gradient and Divergent functions

Posted 9 years ago

I have looked at the documentation for tensor and vector calculus but still struggling with the Grad and Div functions. For example, I want to show that:

Grad (Div V) = Vj,ji ii

I tried

\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Del]\), \({x, y, z}\)]\((
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Del]\), \({x, y, z}\)] . v /@ {x, y, z})\)\)

This gives me a vector alright, but not all the terms I expected, i.e.


What am I missing?

POSTED BY: Mark Brethen
2 Replies
Posted 9 years ago

Ah, v /@ {x, y, z} describes a scalar function, not a vector.

Thanks David!

POSTED BY: Mark Brethen

You have to provide arguments for the vector v and it also has to be in the form of a list of 3 components: as in:

Grad[Div[{v1[x1, x2, x3], v2[x1, x2, x3], v3[x1, x2, x3]}, {x1, x2,   x3}], {x1, x2, x3}]

which gives

$ \left\{\text{v1}^{(2,0,0)}(\text{x1},\text{x2},\text{x3})+\text{v2}^{(1,1,0)}(\text{x1},\text{x2},\text{x3})+\text{v3}^{(1,0,1)}(\text{x1},\text{x2}, \text{x3}),\text{v1}^{(1,1,0)}(\text{x1},\text{x2},\text{x3})+\text{v2}^{(0,2,0)}(\text{x1},\text{x2},\text{x3})+\text{v3}^{(0,1,1)}(\text{x1},\text{x2},\text{x3}),\text{v1}^{(1,0,1)}(\text{x1},\text{x2},\text{x3})+\text{v2}^{(0,1,1)}(\text{x1},\text{x2},\text{x3})+\text{v3}^{(0,0,2)}(\text{ x1},\text{x2},\text{x3})\right\} $

POSTED BY: David Reiss
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