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Problem plotting asymptotes

Posted 9 years ago

Hey. I plotted in equation that is supposed to go to negative infitinity as it approaches 0. However, when I plot it, it jumps back up to 1 for some reason. But when I solve for a point near 0, it gives a correct value (approaching -inf). I attached the code and the graph. How to I solve this problem?

lambda = 2*10^-10;                          (*Jump Distance in m*)

k = 1.38064852*10^-23;                        (*Boltzmann Constant in J/K*)

Tm = 1357;                                     (*Melting Point of Copper in K*)

h = 6.62607004*10^-34;            (*Planck's Constant in J*s*)

Ga = 4.8065*10^-20;                             (*Activation energy in J*)

L = 13260;                                           (*Heat of Fusion in J/mol*)

Vm = 7.589*10^-6;                                 (*Molar volume in m^3/mol*)

gamma = 0.140;                                     (*Interfacial energy in J/m^2*)

gamma2 = 0.24;                                     (*Interfacial energy in J/m^2*)

Na = 6.0221409*10^23;                      (*Avagadro's Number in atom/mol*)

rho = 0.126 *10^6 ;                           (*Density of Copper in mol/m^3*)

Jss = (2*lambda/h)*((k*gamma*(Tm - dT))^(1/2))*((rho^2)*(Vm)*
         k*(Tm - dT)) - Ga/(k*(Tm - dT))])*(1/100)^3;

Jss2 = (2*lambda/h)*((k*gamma2*(Tm - dT))^(1/2))*((rho^2)*Vm*
         k*(Tm - dT)) - Ga/(k*(Tm - dT))])*(1/100)^3;

LogPlot[{Jss, Jss2}, {dT, 00, 600}, 
 PlotRange -> {{0, 600}, {10^-300, 10^60}}, 
 Frame -> {{True, True}, {True, True}}, 
 FrameLabel -> {"Undercooling (K)", "Jss (1/(cm^3*s))"}, 
 PlotLabel -> "Steady State Nucleation of Solid Copper", 
 PlotLegends -> {"\[Gamma] = 0.140 J/m^2", "\[Gamma] = 0.240 J/m^2"}]
POSTED BY: Matthew Eaton

As written, your code won't run. But your plot looks similar to those seen here:

maybe those answers could help you.

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs
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