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Solve integral with exponentials?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi guys:

I was reading a paper as I upload in the attachment. I tried to calculate Example 3.9 by hand, but ended with a different expression. So I started to doubt whether paper presents a right answer. Roughly, the question is based on the following:

enter image description here

The solution give in the paper is: (started with definition of 2F1)

enter image description here

I uploaded the notebook in the attachment too, if it could be convenient for you to have a look.

Really appreciate someone could help me with that. Do not hesitate to send me an email if that is more convenient:

POSTED BY: Zhehao Zhang
7 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

I suspect it may be confused by the

D[Subscript[m, d][v],v]

at the end of your integral.

While you might mathematically understand what the integral of ln(x) dsin(x^3) means, I think if you look at all the documentation and examples I think you will see they all show integration with respect to a simple variable, not a function and not a subscripted variable.

Can you express your integral in such a form and try evaluating the integration again?

POSTED BY: Bill Simpson
Posted 8 years ago

Dear Professor:

The result is still in the integral form. Is there any way to go further? Say, get the result in the Hyper-geometric function.

POSTED BY: Zhehao Zhang

Sorry, I was just trying to write a syntactically correct input. I still don't know if it is what you wanted, and how to get a useful output.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Written this way we get Hypergeometric functions:

$Assumptions = \[CapitalTheta] > 0 && t > 0 && \[Delta] > 0 && 
   s < \[CapitalTheta];
Subscript[m, d][t_] = 
     2] t + (Subscript[\[Lambda], 1] - Subscript[\[Lambda], 2])/
     Subscript[\[Lambda], 1] (1 - E^(-Subscript[\[Lambda], 1] t));
Subscript[M, X][s_] = 
  E^(s x) \[CapitalTheta]*E^(-\[CapitalTheta] x), {x, 0, Infinity}]
Subscript[M, Subscript[Z, 0][t_]][s_] = 
 E^(Subscript[\[Lambda], 2] Integrate[
     Subscript[M, X][s E^(-\[Delta] v)], {v, 0, t}])

Integrate[(Subscript[M, X][s E^(-\[Delta] v)] - 1) Subscript[M, 
    Subscript[Z, 0] [t - v]][s E^(-\[Delta] v)] D[Subscript[m, d][v], 
   v], v]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 8 years ago

Dear Professor:

Thanks for such elegant coding. i am wondering is there any way to track how Mathematica get the parameters of hpergeometric function, i.e show the calculation process. I tried "Trace", however, it does not give me anything.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Zhehao Zhang

Sorry, I am no expert in special functions and integration.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Just a first attempt at fixing the syntax problems:

$Assumptions = \[CapitalTheta] > 0 && t > 0 && \[Delta] > 0 && 
   s < \[CapitalTheta];
Subscript[m, d][t_] = 
  Subscript[\[Lambda], 2] t + (
    Subscript[\[Lambda], 1] - Subscript[\[Lambda], 2])/
    Subscript[\[Lambda], 1] (1 - E^(-Subscript[\[Lambda], 1] t));
Subscript[M, X][s_] = 
  E^(s x) \[CapitalTheta]*E^(-\[CapitalTheta] x), {x, 0, Infinity}]    
Subscript[M, Subscript[Z, 0][t_]][s_] = E^(
 Subscript[\[Lambda], 2]
   Subscript[M, X][s E^(-\[Delta] v)], {v, 0, 
    t}])      (*Equation (3.6)*)

Subscript[M, Subscript[Z, d][t_]][s_] = 
 1 + Integrate[(Subscript[M, X][s E^(-\[Delta] v)] - 1) Subscript[M, 
     Subscript[Z, 0] (t - v)][sE^(-\[Delta] v)] D[Subscript[m, d][v], 
     v], {v, 0, t}]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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