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Why is first usage message enquiry so slow

Posted 9 years ago

Since Mathematica 10.3 I have found that, in any notebook, the first time I evaluate an information request, for example


the response is very slow - usually 15 to 20 seconds. This seems to be associated with a connection to a Wolfram server but occurs even if the usage message is locally defined. It is slow even if other evaluations have previously occurred. I'm working on Windows 7 and Mathematica I tried to get help from Wolfram support (with Premier service) but it was not resolved and they have not responded further. Has anyone else observed this delay?

This may be a minor complaint but it is another example of things that work smoothly in one version becoming degraded in succeeding versions.

3 Replies

Since Mathematica 10.3 I have found that, in any notebook, the first time I evaluate an information request, for example the response is very slow - usually 15 to 20 seconds. This seems to be associated with a connection to a Wolfram server but occurs even if the usage message is locally defined. It is slow even if other evaluations have previously occurred. I'm working on Windows 7 and Mathematica I tried to get help from Wolfram support (with Premier service) but it was not resolved and they have not responded further. Has anyone else observed this delay? This may be a minor complaint but it is another example of things that work smoothly in one version becoming degraded in succeeding versions.

yeah... when i found out that there's Mathematica 10.3 version, I updated my Mathematica 10.2 ... and I agree with you, its really too slow (message enquiry) .. its takes 10 seconds here but its also because of the weather.

POSTED BY: Bill C Reynolds

This was fixed in 10.4 and is still fixed in 11.0.

For me takes ~1-2 seconds or so. After that instant. Perhaps this is not loaded by default and does so the first time, and might check for updates in that first time. Perhaps check your internet speed. It might be causing the slowness...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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