Hi There,
I am trying to write a loop that will carry out a series of individual calculations iteratively. The loop will need to be something like a DoWhile so that I can run once completely through before I check the test statement. Pseudo code is below.
//Define constants
x=0.055 Degree; Epsilon = 0.001; sightd = 100; delta = 0.0005 Degree;
Start loop here
//Compute solution to equation once first
test statement //to be checked starting second iteration
angsol = NDSolve[Equations]
//set new function to solution of NDSOLVE
In[267]:= xang[t_] := xa[t] /. angsol[[1, 1]]
//Find critical value
In[269]:= tang = FindRoot[xang[t] == sightd, {t, 0.1}];
In[265]:= x = x + delta;
Restart Loop
Does anyone have any suggestions? I know steps work individually, but now I need to string them together so the program will loop and find the solution.
Thanks in advance