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Domain computation of a cube root function in W|A

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, I am a new pro user. Using the wolfram|alpha tool I've found a strange behaviour. When I compute the domain of a cube root function like (x^3-x)^1/3 I get (x € R | -1<=x<=0 or x>=1) as a result. But this is not correct because the correct answer is the entire real numbers set [-?;+?]. Can you help me? Thanks.

POSTED BY: Enrico Raspadori

We had a discussion on cubic roots three days ago in the thread "How can I use fractional exponents and find extraneous solutions?". The problem is how to interpret the cubic root of a negative number. There are two different schools of thought. The expression (-8)^(1/3) can be either -2 or a complex number, and each interpretation has its good reasons. Mathematica supports both, with two different commands: CubeRoot (or Surd) and Power. I don't know about Wolfram|Alpha. Try asking for the domain of CubeRoot[x^3-x]

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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