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The "long input simplifier" widget gives the "Not a valid input..." error.

Posted 9 years ago

I try to calculate input longer than standard Wolfram text input allows.

I tried the widget long input simplifier.

But it gives the error: Not a valid input; please try again.

The full equation is here:

x + (x * (x / 100)) + (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) + ((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) * ((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) = 50

T1: x + (x * (x / 100)) + (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) + 

T2: ((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) * 

T3: ((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) = 50

The next piece of the equation also gives the same error:

((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) * ((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) = 50

T1: ((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) * 

T2: ((((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) * (((x * (x / 100)) * ((x * (x / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) / 100)) = 50

Other Tx are 0. Here is an example of like equation.

How to calculate the equation?

POSTED BY: Ziya Ceferov
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