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Solve the complex equation with Solve

Posted 9 years ago

about the equation solve, this simple complex equation can be solve with Solve, while the domains of a and b must be added.

In[152]:= Solve[{a + b I - 2 + 3 I == 0.0 + 0.0 I, -100 < a < 
   100, -100 < b < 100}, {a, b}]

\:6B63\:5728\:8BA1\:7B97In[152]:= Solve::ratnz: Solve ??????????????. ???????????????????????????. >>

Out[152]= {{a -> 2., b -> -3.}}

but if the equation is not an simple one, like follows equal to zero, how can I use solve to get the solution?

{-(((0.0545683 - 
         0.00208937 I) E^((0. - 
          1.*10^-7 I) Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
           1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + 
            I k2)^2]) (0. - (4.36692 - 0.145345 I) Sqrt[
          8.89495*10^11 - 1. (k1 + I k2)^2] + 
         1. Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
             1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + 
              I k2)^2]) ((-4.36692 + 
            0.145345 I) Sqrt[(9.29602*10^11 + 6.66186*10^10 I) - (k1 +
              I k2)^2] + (2735/2617 + (196 I)/
            2617) Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
             1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + 
              I k2)^2]))/(Sqrt[8.89495*10^11 - 1. (k1 + I k2)^2]
        Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
          1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + 
           I k2)^2])) - ((0.0545683 - 
       0.00208937 I) E^((0. + 
        1.*10^-7 I) Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
         1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + 
          I k2)^2]) (0. - (4.36692 - 0.145345 I) Sqrt[
        8.89495*10^11 - 1. (k1 + I k2)^2] - 
       1. Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
           1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + 
            I k2)^2]) ((4.36692 - 

          0.145345 I) Sqrt[(9.29602*10^11 + 6.66186*10^10 I) - (k1 + 
           I k2)^2] + (2735/2617 + (196 I)/
          2617) Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
           1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + 
            I k2)^2]))/(Sqrt[8.89495*10^11 - 1. (k1 + I k2)^2]
      Sqrt[(-3.88435*10^12 + 
        1.29283*10^11 I) + (1.58739 - 0.0532404 I) (k1 + I k2)^2])}

i also want to solve a11==0 the values of k1 and k2, k1 and k2 are real. how to do it?is there any other way to solve this?

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