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y Axis Range extension in display of Plot command

Posted 9 years ago

Plotting two functions with one Plot command. One of the plots is cut off in the y direction in the default display. How to over-ride y axis range in the Plot display? Please see attached Mathematica NoteBook file that shows the function plotted alone that is displayed ok and showing how it is cutoff in the display showing two functions. Thank you...

POSTED BY: John Steigerwalt
2 Replies

PlotRange -> Full does the trick. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

POSTED BY: John Steigerwalt

Have you tried using the PlotRange option? If you don't explicitly specify the PlotRange then Mathematica picks a plot range that it thinks shows the most important part of the plot. It has to do something like this because the actual plot range might go to infinity. Even if it doesn't Mathematica might cut off outlying portions of the plot.

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