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Evaluate a second notebook on second kernel

I would like to evaluate a second notebook on a second kernel.

Specifically I want to use two notebooks and two kernels. I want to evaluate notebook B from within notebook A. However, I want all the computations from notebook B to run on Kernel B and any computations within Notebook A to run on Kernel A.

I have tried to set the evaluator for Notebook B to Kernel B. But, when I call "NotebookEvaluate[NotebookB]" from within NotebookA it everything runs on Kernel A.

Any ideas or suggestions?

POSTED BY: Wayne Weaver
2 Replies

Thanks, this works as I needed.

POSTED BY: Wayne Weaver

I believe this should work for you from NotebookA:

SelectionMove[NotebookB, All, Notebook];

KernelB should do the evaluations, and you should see the results in NotebookB, without KernelA picking up any definitions from KernelB

POSTED BY: Nick Lariviere
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