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Best practices for developing complex web apps in the Wolfram Cloud?

Posted 8 years ago


All the documentation and examples I've found so far for Wolfram Cloud deployment use single, one-off functions or forms. I'm wondering what best practices or organizational approaches might exist for developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining complex web apps involving multiple interacting Cloud-based functions, persistent expressions, etc.

The comparison I'd make is that so far, what I've seen about the Wolfram Cloud is analogous to writing single, isolated HTML pages, PHP scripts, and MySQL database queries. Nobody builds web apps that way any more; we all use web app frameworks like Django, Rails, and so forth. If there isn't yet an equivalent for Wolfram Cloud technologies, how should we move in that direction?

I'm particularly interested in web apps that use a Mathematica notebook, rather than a web browser, as the front end running on the client's computer. I would think the principles would be the same, however, whether the client is a notebook calling to CloudFunctions and CloudExpressions and CloudObjects, or a web page calling APIFunctions.

Any thoughts welcomeÂ…

Thanks, :Ian

POSTED BY: Ian Beatty
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