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Calling CUDA c/c++ library functions with wolfram GPU library(wgl)

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, Now I want to use CUDAMemory as a reference to develop a custom WolframGPULibrary(WGL) program bound with CUDA C/C++ language. I found some reference like "" and "". But when I tried to copy the Answer's code and test in my platform, it showed "...\error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol CUDARuntimegetDeviceMemory referenced in function "int _cdecl iFourier(struct stWGLMemoryp t ,struct stWGLMemoryp t )" (?iFourier@@YAHPEAUstWGLMemory p _t@@0@Z)"

I only changed some CreateLibrary syntax duo to the windows OS. I have checked almost the SystemFiles\Links\GPUTools\Include files but I could not find any implements with function "CUDARuntimegetDeviceMemory". Have the wgl abandoned? If it's true, how can I use CUDAMemory ID as a reference to cooperate with CUDA C function such as cuSparse? Attach files are the .cu file and mathematica CreateLibrary code.

My platform Windows 10 64 bit Mathematica 10.4 CUDA paclet CUDA Drivers 364.51 CUDA toolkit 7.0

POSTED BY: sejabs Song
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