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How can I populate new notebooks from a list of grids?

Posted 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have a list of 38 grids


that are styled with a particular font family, font size, and dividers. I want to run a Do loop that will create a new notebook for each grid, insert the grid, and then save each as PDF. I know I should be using Cell[...] to insert each grid into a new notebook, but when I do I get all of the style and other codes coming out.

count=0; Do[count++;
exportFilename = "File "<>ToString[count] <> ".pdf";    
      nb = CreateDocument[
        {TextCell["TITLE HERE", "Section"],
         Cell[(*Don't know how to put thisGrid here*)]
        Visible -> False];
      NotebookPrint[nb, exportPath <> exportFilename];
      {thisGrid, myGrids}

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


POSTED BY: Gregory Lypny
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