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Runge-Kutta method

How I can use mathematica to get the answer of this question (Using the Runge-Kutta method of order 2 solve

x'(t) = -x (t) + t^0.1 (1.1+t)

x (0)=0 

whose solution is ,


solve the question on [0,5] printing the solution and the errors at x= 1,3,5 use step- sizes h=0.1 ,0.05,0.025 ,0.0125,0.00625 calculate the ratios by which the error decrease when h is halved

POSTED BY: Tasneem Smadi

Please show code for what you have already tried!

(Or is the question a homework problem you're asking us to do for you?)

Have you already tried something simpler, such as applying Euler's Method?

And why do you want to use Runge-Kutta here to get a numerical solution since you already know an exact solution—which you could find in Mathematica from:

DSolve[{x'[t] == -x[t] + t^(1/10) (11/10 + t), x[0] == 0}, x[t], t]
POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
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