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How re-enable automatic italics in notebooks for "Mathematica"?

I thought it used to be the case that if, in a Mathematica notebook Text cell, you typed the word Mathematica, the word was automatically was italicized.

This is not the situation with version 10.4.1.

Do I misremember?

In any case, I am aware than one can enable such automatic italicization for user-specified words AutoItalicWords and specify in either of two ways:

  • in the Option Inspector, either globally or for the selected notebook, by setting the option AutoItalicWords; or
  • in the notebook's stylesheet, editing the 'Local definition for style "Text"' Text cell as an expression, adding an AutoItalicWords option so that it becomes, e.g.:

    Cell[StyleData["Text"], AutoItalicWords->{"Mathematica", "Tensorial"}, FontSize->14]
POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg
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