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Step-by-step solutions of inequalities

Posted 9 years ago

Hi, could you help me to find the correct string to solve inequalities (for example x^2>=x) with step-by-step solution in Mathematica? I know only the string to solve indefinite integral:

WolframAlpha["x*cos(3x)", IncludePods -> {"Indefinite Integral"},
 PodStates -> {"Step-by-step solution", "Show all steps"}]

and differential equation:

WolframAlpha["x'(t)=x(t)", IncludePods -> {"Differential equation solution"}, 
PodStates -> {"Step-by-step solution", "Show all steps"}]

I tried to replace "Indefinite Integral" with "Inequality", "Inequalities solution", and so on... but it does not work.

Thank you very much for your help.

POSTED BY: Gennaro Arguzzi
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