I wanna create a ListContourPlot from a list with about 7000000 triplets (x,y,z) using the following piece of code:
a = ToExpression[Import["TIBBuil4totaal.txt", "List"]];
b = Map[Join[#[[1]], #[[2]]] &, Partition[
Riffle[Partition[Riffle[a[[All, 1]], a[[All, 2]]], 2],
Partition[a[[All, 3]], 1]], 2]];
t = {0.000051606234793646216`, 0.000013374424284682572`, 7.140323683145797`*^-6, 3.5820749117985074`*^-6, 1.7875592758145471`*^-6, 1.2328068403994894`*^-6, 7.293091860743975`*^-7, 4.176729886963205`*^-7, 2.3759152115189803`*^-7, 1.059500993678597`*^-7, 0.`};
b2 = Map[Round[Flatten[#], 0.001] &, b];
ListContourPlot[b2, ContourShading -> None, Mesh -> False, Contours -> t, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"UTMeasting", "UTMnorting"}, LabelStyle -> Directive[FontSize -> 14, Bold], ImageSize -> 600]
where the text file (+/- 400 mb) contains the list with the triplets.
Unfortunately, rendering the plot seems to be impossible, even after waiting for more than 3 hours. A lot of memory is consumed, but that's it.
I tried to exactly the same in Python and I got the plot in a few minutes, which made me somehow suspicious about what Mathematica is exactly doing.
Let me know whether you have any experience with this. I can also provide the data file upon request.