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Solve a system of equations with the Wolfram Language?

Posted 9 years ago

how you doing? i hope you are fine with good health. Could you please help me out to find the solution of this system of equations. i have attached the mathematica file as well. enter image description here

POSTED BY: Muhammad Afzal
2 Replies
Posted 9 years ago


eqns = {1 - 2 Cos[5 w Degree] + 2 Cos[5 x Degree] - 2 Cos[5 y Degree] + 2 Cos[5 z Degree] == 0,
  1 - 2 Cos[7 w Degree] + 2 Cos[7 x Degree] - 2 Cos[7 y Degree] + 2 Cos[7 z Degree] == 0,
  1 - 2 Cos[11 w Degree] + 2 Cos[11 x Degree] - 2 Cos[11 y Degree] + 2 Cos[11 z Degree] == 0, 
  1 - 2 Cos[13 w Degree] + 2 Cos[13 x Degree] - 2 Cos[13 y Degree] + 2 Cos[13 z Degree] == 0};
NMinimize[Norm[Map[First, eqns]], {w, x, y, z}]

instantly returns

{3.28831*10^-7, {w -> -10.5456, x -> 32.8669, y -> -30.9045, z -> 16.0925}}
POSTED BY: Bill Simpson
Posted 9 years ago

Hi Bill Simpson , it's really nice the way you did it, i've got two answers matching like x=32.8669 and z=16.0925 are correct but i've y=30.9045 and w=10.55, there's only one difference which is positive and negative::: Regards

POSTED BY: Muhammad Afzal
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