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Making a video out of many images?

Posted 8 years ago


I was just wondering if it is possible to import many images (like 1000 or more) and then make a video out of it.

In my case I have scanned the wavelength of my laser and for each wavelength I got an image. Now I would like to see the transition between the modes. Instead of looking at each image individual, it would be much more convenient to make a video out of it.

Maybe you have some experience with it?



POSTED BY: Peter Parker
2 Replies

Thank you very much Jason. With your advise I was able to view my images as a video inside of Mathematica. Thats all I wanted. I was using the command ListAnimate. Works great.

Thanks a lot!


POSTED BY: Peter Parker

Do you want to make a video out of it to use outside of the mathematica notebook? If so, then do not use Mathematica, use some other program. I recommend ffmpeg, and you can use the example here for instructions. I say to do this because Mathematica is not great at outputting movie files in the common formats (avi, mp4, etc). Even though you can export an AVI file, it will be insanely large.

If you just want to view the video inside of Mathematica, then you need to import the images as a list and use ListAnimate to bring them together to get a video. If you need help getting the images imported as a list, it will depend on the format used for the filenames.

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs
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