I have a code to determine translation factor of fiber strength in a composite pressure vessel based on the vessel's burst test data. Manipulate functionality has been designed around several Input Fields and a slider. One of the Input Fields is being rogue. Sometimes (depending on the dynamic value selected from a drop down list), it is showing a weird precision of digits. Furthermore I cannot update the field and register the value even though it has been defined as a dynamic Input Field.
I would appreciate if someone could look at my code and provide some helpful hints on how to get rid of these issues.
Tfac =.;
ID = OD - 2.*tm;
R = ID/2 + (tm + tc)/2;
Em = 9.8 10^6; Y = 40. 10^3;
T = 44. 10^3; \[Epsilon]Y = .004; \[Epsilon]T = .1;
Et = (T - Y)/(\[Epsilon]T - \[Epsilon]Y);
Vf = .6;
Ef = Switch[fibtype, "Toray T700", 33.4 10^6, "Toray T800",
37.5 10^6, "Hyosung H2550", 33.4 10^6, "OC X H-glass", 13. 10^6];
E1 = Vf*Ef; E2 = 1.3 10^6;
\[Rho]f =
Switch[fibtype, "Toray T700", 1.8, "Toray T800", 1.8,
"Hyosung H2550", 1.8, "OC X H-glass", 2.6];
Switch[fibtype, "Toray T700", 800, "Toray T800", 1030,
"Hyosung H2550", 800, "OC X H-glass", 2400];
bwt =
Switch[fibtype, "Toray T700", .14, "Toray T800", .136,
"Hyosung H2550", .1386, "OC X H-glass", .177];
CSA = TEX/(10^5*\[Rho]f)*1/2.54^2;
thoop = 2*Ntows*CSA/(bw*Vf);
theli = 1/.9*thoop;
tc = nhoop*thoop + nheli*theli;
\[Theta] = helangle*\[Pi]/180;
Ec = (
nhoop*thoop*E1 +
nheli*theli*(E1 (Sin[\[Theta]])^2 + E2 (Cos[\[Theta]])^2))/(
nhoop*thoop + nheli*theli);
(*--- \[Epsilon]cu = failure strain in composite ----*)
\[Epsilon]cu =
Switch[fibtype, "Toray T700", 1.9, "Toray T800", 2,
"Hyosung H2550", 2, "OC X H-glass", 2.5];
\[Sigma]cu = Tfac*Ec*\[Epsilon]cu/100*(Cos[bw/(\[Pi] ID)])^2;
(*--- normalized stiffnesses ----*)
Etn = Et/Em; Ecn = Ec/Em;
Be = Em tm + Ec tc; Ben = tm + Ecn tc; Bpn = Etn tm + Ecn tc;
(*--- \[Sigma]me =
stress in the metal liner before yielding ----*)
\[Sigma]me = Em (p R)/Be;(*--- \[Sigma]ce =
stress in the composite shell before yielding ----*)
\[Sigma]ce = Ec (p R)/Be;
(*--- py = pressure where the vessel yields ----*)
py = (Y Be)/(Em R);
(*--- \[Sigma]mp =
stress in the metal liner after yielding ----*)
\[Sigma]mp = (p R Etn + Y (1 - Etn) Ecn tc)/(Etn tm + Ecn tc);
(*--- \[Sigma]cp =
stress in the composite shell after yielding ----*)
\[Sigma]cp = (Ecn (p R - Y (1 - Etn) tm))/(Etn tm + Ecn tc);
(*--- \[Sigma]ma =
stress in metal liner at autofrettage pressure ----*)
\[Sigma]ma = (pa R Etn + Y (1 - Etn) Ecn tc)/(Etn tm + Ecn tc);
(*--- \[Sigma]m0 =
residual stress in metal liner at zero pressure after unloading \
from autofrettage ----*)
\[Sigma]m0 = -(((1 - Etn) Ecn tc)/(Ben Bpn)) (pa - py) R;
k\[Sigma]0 = \[Sigma]cu tc + \[Sigma]m0 tm;
(*--- \[Sigma]c0 =
residual stress in the composite shell at zero pressure after \
unloading from autofrettage ----*)
\[Sigma]c0 = -\[Sigma]m0 tm/tc;
(*--- pya = pressure beyond which the liner yields again =
autofrettage pressure ----*)
pya = ((\[Sigma]ma - \[Sigma]m0) Be)/(Em R);
(*--- \[Sigma]mae =
stress in the metal liner after autofrettage and unloading ----*)
\[Sigma]mae = \[Sigma]m0 + Em (p R)/Be;
(*--- \[Sigma]cae =
stress in the composite after autofrettage and unloading ----*)
\[Sigma]cae = \[Sigma]c0 + Ec (p R)/Be;
(*--- pb = burst pressure ----*)
Pb = 1/(
Ecn R) (\[Sigma]cu (Etn tm + Ecn tc) + Ecn Y (1 - Etn) tm);
sol = NSolve[{Pb == Pburst}, {Tfac}];
z = 100*Tfac /. sol[[1]];
Trans = Which[z < 0, 0, z > 100, 100, 0 <= z <= 100, z];
AngularGauge[Trans, {0, 100}, GaugeFaceStyle -> LightBlue,
GaugeFrameElementFunction -> "BezelSector",
GaugeLabels -> {Automatic, "%"},
GaugeMarkers -> "BezelBevelNeedle",
LabelStyle -> {14, GrayLevel[.1]}]
BaseStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Thin", FontSize -> 14,
FontFamily -> "Arial"}, RoundingRadius -> 5,
FrameMargins -> 10, Background -> GrayLevel[.7],
FrameStyle -> None],
{"Translation factor: ", NumberForm[Trans, {3, 2}], " %"
BaseStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Thin", FontSize -> 14,
FontFamily -> "Arial"}, RoundingRadius -> 5,
FrameMargins -> 10, Background -> LightBlue]
{"Liner OD (in.) :"
InputField[Dynamic[OD], Number, FieldSize -> 6,
Background -> LightYellow], Initialization :> (OD = 6)]},
{"Liner wall thickness (in.) :"
InputField[Dynamic[tm], Number, FieldSize -> 6,
Background -> LightRed], Initialization :> (tm = .125)]},
{Row[{"Fiber Type : ",
Dynamic[fibtype], {"Toray T700", "Toray T800",
"Hyosung H2550", "OC X H-glass"}]}
{"Number of tows :"
InputField[Dynamic[Ntows], Number, FieldSize -> 6,
Background -> LightCyan], Initialization :> (Ntows = 5)]},
{"Hoop bandwidth (in.) :"
InputField[Dynamic[bw, SetAccuracy[bw, 3]], Number,
FieldSize -> {6, 1}, Background -> LightGray],
Initialization :> (bw = .68)]},
{"Helical angle :"
InputField[Dynamic[helangle], Number, FieldSize -> 6,
Background -> LightMagenta],
Initialization :> (helangle = 17.5)]},
{"Number of helical layers :"
InputField[Dynamic[nheli], Number, FieldSize -> 6,
Background -> LightGreen], Initialization :> (nheli = 2)]},
{"Number of hoop layers :"
InputField[Dynamic[nhoop], Number, FieldSize -> 6,
Background -> LightOrange], Initialization :> (nhoop = 2)]},
{Button["OK", Background -> Green, BaseStyle -> "16",
ImageSize -> Medium ]}
}, BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 14, Background -> GrayLevel[.7]},
Alignment -> Right],
{{Pburst, 1, "Burst Pressure (psi)" }, 500, 10000, 1,
Appearance -> {"Labeled", "DownArrow", "Open"},
ImageMargins -> 5, ImageSize -> Tiny,
BaseStyle -> FontSize -> 14,
AppearanceElements -> {"ProgressSlider", "InputField",
"StepLeftButton", "StepRightButton"}},
Initialization :> {Ntows = 5, Pburst = 5500, bw = Ntows*bwt},
Alignment -> {Top},
BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 14, FontFamily -> "Arial"},
LabelStyle -> Directive[Black, FontSize -> 14], Paneled -> False,
ControlPlacement -> Left, ContentSize -> {250, 300}
Alignment -> Left, FrameMargins -> 20, Background -> GrayLevel[.7],
RoundingRadius -> 10,
BaseStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Regular", FontSize -> 16,
FontFamily -> "Arial"}