I would like to find the waveform/timbre of the sound used for a lightsaber.
What I know: http://www.dblondin.com/071807.html
It consists of 3 sounds in total: 2 asynchronous motor hums with a base frequency of 90-100 Hz, and an electronic hum of around 35 Hz.
I have gotten somewhat close with:
but this sounds too space-agey/cheap space gun style for a lightsaber. There is a deeper timbre there that I am missing
I would like to see what frequencies are used in the original sound files, so I found some .wav files online. The problem is that these are split into 2 channels, and the Fourier function won't show the FFT for them. The spectrogram will, but it will show them as a function of time, not frequency.
Question: How do I show FFT as a function of frequency for a .wav file with 2 or more channels?