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Double check if an image transform function has the appropriate colors?

Attached is a file whith what the imagetransform is making , i would like to know if this what the imagetrasnform would make? anyone? Sorry I had to edit imagehistogram is doing this but the picture does not have red, i modieifed the pixels values i just would like to know if somonelse could try the histogramtrasnform to see if the colors are the same.

17 Replies

things are running well...

POSTED BY: Matthias Odisio

Are you peoplesleeping? I have not fall in reality yet ...i am going to send the file with picture augmented...bigger...just people realize this show to a radiologist a breast caner mastologist you can not believe what this is for real.... any business be it on the it mine also you make it ....everyone who checked this page to see it it is on on the contract to take their also sharing of pie...for real... i can not believe!!!1


It is working it is working i ca not belive it is working .....wolfram let´s talk business huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

Mathias I did it in 2 ways it is working look at the resolutionof the mamography the other way is a little bit incorrect but it also works and has different aplications. look at anexed file women be happy!!!!!!


I'm glad I could be of some help. You seem to be onto something interesting. Hopefully you can share code and results here when you feel ready.

POSTED BY: Matthias Odisio

I have not understood all of your message. Below I describe how you can find the functions that HistogramTransform uses.

image = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Lena"}];

Find the corresponding functions, plot them, and apply them to the image, and get the same result as HistogramTransform:

{rfunc, gfunc, bfunc} = HistogramTransformInterpolation[image]
Plot[{Quiet@rfunc[t], Quiet@gfunc[t], Quiet@bfunc[t]}, {t, 0, 1}, PlotLegends -> {"R", "G", "B"}]
MapThread[ ImageApply, {{rfunc, gfunc, bfunc}, ColorSeparate[image]}] // ColorCombine
POSTED BY: Matthias Odisio

HistogramTransform[grayscaleimage] applies a function to each pixel value so that in the output the set of pixel values is following a uniform distribution between 0 and 1. For color images, this process is repeated independently for reach color channel.

Note that in practice the resulting histogram is typically not perfectly flat because of the quantization of pixel values in the input image.

What are you trying to achieve by the way?

POSTED BY: Matthias Odisio

I get the same result. You're getting a lot of red in the output because HistogramTransform operates channel by channel, and after equalization the red channel will have large values in some areas of the image.

As for your follow up question, I think you're looking for ImageApply.

POSTED BY: Matthias Odisio

What should I expect to happen using histogramtransform...? should it allways enhance the original colors of the pictures shouldn´t it?

I would like to know how can I index a change of pixel according to a mathmatical value, these buit in functions kinda restricts you... is there any place where they show the lines of the buit infunctions to see if it is the same plines that someone is using, it really would save people´s time...

Sorry Valeriu! do you mean the colors are the same as mine? red in the mountain?

Yes! You can verify this in the attached file!


thanks valeriu!

Yes! I tried and the colors are the same!

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