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Evaluate notebook vs. cell by cell evaluation?

Posted 8 years ago

We have a bug that occurs on one machine and not others.

The bug does not occur when "Evaluate Notebook" from the Evaluation menu is used with a fresh kernel. But it does occur when, with a fresh kernel, the notebook is evaluated by hand, cell by cell, in order. The first statement loads a package.

My question is: What is the difference in the evaluation for these two methods that could cause a difference?

6 Replies

Just as a random thought for debugging this, check to see in the first case if the symbols defined in the package also exist in the Global` context. This may lead to nothing....

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 8 years ago

No, and it seems to be a problem that occurs with Mathematica 10 and 11 on Windows 10 - but not on Windows 7 or Mac.

Can you provide an example of how this is happening?

POSTED BY: Moderation Team

I'll contact Support, but it's complicated enough that I want to do more work first to see if I can narrow it down.

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