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SystemModeler 3 does not work on Mac Pro System X El Capitan with XCode 7?

I have installed the System Modeler 4 in a MacBook Pro with XCOde 7 . System modeler does not detect a C++ compiler. No matter what I do, I have read post that dress to load the command line automatically, but the instruction suggest to visit the Download page in preference. But Download option is no longer available under the Xcode 7.

Please, help..

POSTED BY: Jose Calderon
3 Replies

Yes, Apple changed the requirements on signed applications in a patch release of El Capitan so it no longer considers SystemModeler to be correctly signed (this will be fixed in the next release). To get around it you can right-click (or ctrl + left click) on SystemModeler and select open. You should then get a dialog with an option to let it run anyway, it remembers your choice so you will only need to use this procedure once.

POSTED BY: Otto Tronarp

Thank you . I downloaded the version that I have in my portal 4.10 but when installed in my MAC says that only app from th Apple store are allowed. Has you come into this problem and there is a work around/?

POSTED BY: Jose Calderon

The screenshot is from SystemModeler 3 and it's really old and doesn't support recent versions of Xcode (you need a Xcode version that use the C++ standard library from gcc by default and not libc++).

You need to upgrade SystemModeler to at least version 4.0 for it to work with Xcode 7.

POSTED BY: Otto Tronarp
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