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Numerical partial derivative of a function?

Posted 8 years ago

I have a function f of several variables that is defined implicitly as a solution to an equation, which has no analytic solution in general. For some reason when I try to take a derivative:

Derivative[1,0,0][f] [x0,y0,z0] 

at some numerical x0,y0,z0, the evaluation hangs up. Similarly for derivatives with respect to any of the variables (Derivative[0,1,0] and Derivative [0,0,1]). When I try to use the definition of the partial derivative wrt to x (for example) and take the limit (by hand, making eps smaller and smaller) of


, there is no problem. It also hangs when I try to do the derivative using


I wonder if there is a generalization of ND, which works for 1 variable, to a partial derivative. Or some other solution. I can send the code for the exact definition of f if necessary

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan
16 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

Thanks again, Gianluca. I am actually working on a game theoretic generalization of control theory (or Lagrangian mechanics), where instead of one functional (or running payoff) to optimize, there are two players, each with its own payoff, and each having its own "lever" or control of the common system. The Nash equilibrium at each time is complicated. There could be 0-3 solutions (the control functions A[t] and yd[t] of the two players. If it weren't for inequalities coming from physical considerations there would be 1 or 3 solutions) that are the roots of a cubic polynomial (with the coefficients of one depending on the roots of the other). An old root can go out of existence in a non-differentiable way during the time evolution of the system. Also, in some cases the boundary conditions are given at both initial and final times and new solutions can emerge even at initial times if the final time is increased.

I think the implicit differentiation method has the advantage of being "local", so that it doesn't see non-differentiable behavior until it actually happens. Perhaps it will not happen at all.

Anyway, I thought you might be interested in the background, given that you are interested in Lagrangian mechanics. I also have a "conspiracy theory" that Von Neuman was working on a formulation of Quantum mechanics that involved game theory as an alternative to the other attempts to formulate it so it gives a reasonable classical limit, given that he contributed to the foundation of both QM and game theory.

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan

It seems that your problem is rather complicated, and I don't quite grasp it. However, you can get implicit formulas for the derivatives with respect to any variables, not only n:

equationsWithAYDfunctions = 
  basicEquations /. {eqs__Equal} :> ({eqs} /. {A -> A[r, y, n, q], 
       yd -> yd[r, y, n, q]});
derivativeOfTheEquationsWRT[var_Symbol] := 
  derivativeOfTheEquationsWRT[var] = 
   equationsWithAYDfunctions /. {eqs__Equal} :> Simplify@D[{eqs}, var];
partialDerivativesOfAYD[var_Symbol] := 
 partialDerivativesOfAYD[var] = 
  derivativeOfTheEquationsWRT[var] /. {eqs__Equal} :> 
    First@Solve[{eqs}, {D[A[r, y, n, q], var], 
       D[yd[r, y, n, q], var]}]

If you want to use the formulas where the arguments are not simply [r,y,n,q] but for example [r[t],y,n,q] you can turn them into patterns:

derivativePattern = 
 partialDerivativesOfAYD[r][[1, 1, 1]] /. 
  Derivative[a__][f_][r, y, n, q] :> Derivative[a][f][r_, y_, n_, q_]

so that you can write

D[A[r[t], y, n, q], t] /. derivativePattern

Of course there are a lot of inequality conditions to keep track of.

I think you should try solving the equations for A and yd explicitly. They are not hopeless:

parameterValues = 
  Thread[{q1rinit, q1yinit, q1ninit, q2rinit, q2yinit, q2ninit, krg1, 
     krg2, kyg1, kyg2, kyg3, knd1, kr1, kr2, ky1, ky2, kn1, kn2, kig1,
      kig2, hci, krg3, rcd, rid, ncg, nig, kc, yinit, rinit, ninit, 
     nid, tfinal, kyig1, kyig2, yid, khi, Ainit, ydinit, Afinal, 
     ydfinal, q2y, q2n} -> 2];
Simplify[basicEquations /. parameterValues]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 8 years ago

OK, maybe I will try your method since I can't figure out what is going wrong with mine. I decided to do the chain rule by hand in the differential equations. Ignore everything in comment parentheses (there are more equations that I haven't fixed yet with the new method). What I want is a way to assign Asharp=the original definition, which is a function of r[t],y[t],n[t] (as well as the other 6 dynamic variables q1r[t],q2r[t] etc) once inside the NDSolve block so it doesn't need to be computed with every reference, and also so it counts as a constant in expressions such as D[fr[r[t], y[t], n[t], Asharp], r[t]]. Same for ydsharp, Asharpdr, ydsharpdr, Asharpdn, etc, with the latter variables being computed with the implicit differentiation you suggested.

Is there a way to use Block or Module inside NDSolve to assign Asharp to have the properties I desire above?

sol2 = NDSolve[{r'[t] == fr[r[t], y[t], n[t], Asharp], 
     y'[t] == fy[r[t], y[t], n[t], Asharp, ydsharp], 
     n'[t] == fn[r[t], y[t], n[t], Asharp, ydsharp], 
     q1r'[t] == -q1r[t] D[fr[r[t], y[t], n[t], Asharp], r[t]] - 
       D[h[Asharp, r[t], y[t], n[t], ydsharp], r[t]] - 
       q1r[t] Asharpdr[
         D[[fr[r[t], y[t], n[t], A], 
            A]] /. {A -> 
             Asharp} - (Asharpdr D[h[A, r, y, n, ydsharp], 
                A] /. {A -> Asharp} + 
               ydsharpdr D[h[Asharp, r, y, n, yd], yd] /. {yd -> 
               ydsharp}), q1y'[t] == ...
         (*-q1y[t] D[fy[r[t],
         t],q2y[t],q2n[t],r[t],y[t],n[t]]],y[t]],q1n'[t]==-q1n[t] D[
         t] D[fr[r[t],y[t],n[t],Asharp[q1r[t],q1y[t],q1n[t],q2y[t],
         t]==-q2y[t] D[fy[r[t],y[t],n[t],Asharp[q1r[t],q1y[t],q1n[t],
         y[t]],q2n'[t]==-q2n[t] D[fn[r[t],y[t],n[t],Asharp[q1r[t],q1y[
         t]]],n[t]]*), r[0] == rinit, y[0] == yinit, n[0] == ninit, 
         q1r[0] == q1rinit, q1y[0] == q1yinit, q1n[0] == q1ninit, 
         q2r[0] == q2rinit, q2y[0] == q2yinit, q2n[0] == q2ninit}, {r,
   y, n, q1r, q1y, q1n, q2r, q2y, q2n}, {t, 0, 
  tfinal}(*, Method->{"Shooting", \

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan
Posted 8 years ago

Thank you very much, Gianluca. I am not sure I can use this for my application, because I need the derivatives with respect to r, y and n to be evaluated as part of the chain rule in a few differential equations: q'[t]=fq[r,y,n,q]+D[fr[r,y,n,q,A[r,y,n,q],yd[r,y,n,q]],r]+D[fy[.....],y]+D[fn[...],n],.,,,r'[t]=fr[r,y,n,q,A[r,y,n,q]],y'[t]=...,n'[t]=... where q is a vector of variables. How do I prevent Mathematica from trying to differentiate A and yd numerically while using the chain rule? Also, with your method I need to pass A and y to the derivatives and I'm not sure how to do that automatically. I will try to figure it out, but first I want to go back to the previous method and find out where the problem is. What I have found so far is that if I don't have the Min[-0.01,..] then there are some solutions with A->ComplexInfinity (or no solutions at all), possible because when it tries to take the limit epsilon->0 in the definition of the derivative, it starts with a large epsilon (about 1), for which this happens. I wish I could tell Mathematica to start finding the limit with a smaller epsilon. If I do have the Min[..] then there is a discontinuity for large epsilon (or no solution).

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan
Posted 8 years ago

It's not that I find it confusing, it's that I don't get any output. The replacements never happen, the derivative of the equations never happens, and the solutions to the equations for the derivatives in terms of the parameters never happens.In other words, the 3 commands:

equationsWithAYDdependentOnN = 
  basicEquations /. {eqs__Equal} :> ({eqs} /. {A -> A[n], 
       yd -> yd[n]});
derivativeOfTheEquationsWRTn = 
  equationsWithAYDdependentOnN /. {eqs__Equal} :> Simplify@D[{eqs}, n];
partialDerivativesOfAYD = 
 derivativeOfTheEquationsWRTn /. {eqs__Equal} :> 
   FullSimplify@First@Solve[{eqs}, {A'[n], yd'[n]}]

do nothing.

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan

Here is the whole code, that works for me:

fr[r, y, n, A] := 
  A (rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]] - krg3 ncd[rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]]]) + (1 - 
      A) rig[y] - A rcd - (1 - A) rid;
fy[r, y, n, A, ycd_] := 
  r p[r, y, n, A] (A ycg[rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]], ycd] + (1 - A) yig[n]);
fn[r, y, n, A, ycd_] := 
  nig + ncg*
    n (h[A, r, y, n, ycd] - hc[ycd]) - (A ncd[rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]]] + 
rcg[h_] := krg1 - (h krg2);
ycg[rp_, yd_] := kyg1 - rp kyg2 - kyg3 yd;
ncd[rp_] := knd1 rp^2;
hi[r_, y_, n_, 
   A_] := (kr1 r - kr2 r^2) (ky1 y - ky2 y^2) (kn1 n - kn2 n^2) (1 + 
     khi A);
h[A_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := A hc[yd] + (1 - A) hi[r, y, n, A];
rig[y_] := kig1 + y kig2;
hc[yd_] := hci - kc yd^2;
p[r_, y_, n_, 
   A_] := (hi[ky1/(2 ky2), kr1/(2 kr2), kn1/(2 kn2), A] - 
     hi[r, y, n, A])/(hi[ky1/(2 ky2), kr1/(2 kr2), kn1/(2 kn2), A] - 
     hi[rinit, yinit, ninit, A]);
yig[n_] := kyig1 + n kyig2;
ydsharpquad[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, A_] := 
    Coefficient[(q2y - 1) fy[r, y, n, A, w] + q2n fn[r, y, n, A, w](*,
     hc[w]\[GreaterEqual]0*), w^2]] // PiecewiseExpand;
ydsharplin[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, A_] := 
  Coefficient[(q2y - 1) fy[r, y, n, A, w] + q2n fn[r, y, n, A, w](*,
   hc[w]\[GreaterEqual]0*), w];
ydtent[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, 
   A_] := -0.5 ydsharplin[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A]/
     ydsharpquad[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A] // PiecewiseExpand;
Asharpquad[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := 
     q1r fr[r, y, n, w] + q1y fy[r, y, n, w, yd] + 
      q1n fn[r, y, n, w, yd] + h[w, r, y, n, yd](*,
     0\[LessEqual]w\[LessEqual]1*), w^2]] // PiecewiseExpand;
Asharplin[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := 
   q1r fr[r, y, n, w] + q1y fy[r, y, n, w, yd] + 
    q1n fn[r, y, n, w, yd] + h[w, r, y, n, yd](*,
   0\[LessEqual]w\[LessEqual]1*), w];
Atent[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, 
   yd_] := -0.5 Asharplin[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd]/
     Asharpquad[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd] // PiecewiseExpand;
basicEquations = 
   PiecewiseExpand[{A == Atent[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd], 
     yd == ydtent[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A]}];
equationsWithAYDdependentOnN = 
  basicEquations /. {eqs__Equal} :> ({eqs} /. {A -> A[n], 
       yd -> yd[n]});
derivativeOfTheEquationsWRTn = 
  equationsWithAYDdependentOnN /. {eqs__Equal} :> Simplify@D[{eqs}, n];
partialDerivativesOfAYD = 
 derivativeOfTheEquationsWRTn /. {eqs__Equal} :> 
   First@Solve[{eqs}, {A'[n], yd'[n]}]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Yes, you want the delayed substitution. With immediate substitution the operations are made before the pattern-matching is made, which in your case does not make sense, because you replace the variables A, yd inside the symbol eqs, which achieves nothing at all. You must first find the equations matching the pattern, and then make the replacements.

If you find all this too confusing, you may look into the Piecewise expression and copy-and-paste the equations manually into other cells, where you can make the replacements. You can keep track of the Piecewise conditions manually too. I suggest to make the algebraic calculations with exact rational coefficients, because Solve feels more comfortable that way.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 8 years ago

I tried one and two underscores and it still doesn't do the substitution. Why do you have a delayed substitution? Perhaps that's the problem.

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan

With one underscore it matches only a single equation.

In your case there are more than one equations, and you need two underscores.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 8 years ago

neophyte with patterns. How many underlines between eqs and Equal? I tried one and two and it still does not do the replacement A->A[n], yd->yd[n].

eqswithAydn = 
 basiceq /. {eqs_Equal} :> ({eqs} /. {A -> A[n], yd -> yd[n]})
POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan

Yes, the eqs__Equal is a pattern that isolates the equations inside the Piecewise structure. When you take the derivative of an equation, it automatically takes the derivatives of the two sides. This derivative is itself an equation that contains A'[n] linearly. You solve the equation for A'[n]. You get a formula that contains A[n].

Actually, your original equations in A,nd are not hopelessly hard to solve symbolically. You may give it a try:

basicEquations /. {eqs__Equal} :> Solve[{eqs}, {A, yd}]

If all your variables are symbolic you get very complicated algebraic formulas, but for specific numeric values of the parameters they may become manegeable.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 8 years ago

I guess that eqs_Equal is a pattern that has == in it? How do I actually evaluate A'[n]?

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan
Posted 8 years ago

I tried copying your code, but I don't get derivatives at all. I get equations for A and yd (in terms of each other, so still implicit). What is "eqs_Equal"? I have an older version and maybe this is a new thing.

POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan

I would use PiecewiseExpand to turn the Min into piecewise algebraic expressions:

ydsharpquad[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, A_] := 
    Coefficient[(q2y - 1) fy[r, y, n, A, w] + q2n fn[r, y, n, A, w](*,
     hc[w]\[GreaterEqual]0*), w^2]] // PiecewiseExpand;
ydsharplin[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, A_] := 
  Coefficient[(q2y - 1) fy[r, y, n, A, w] + q2n fn[r, y, n, A, w](*,
   hc[w]\[GreaterEqual]0*), w];
ydtent[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, 
   A_] := -0.5 ydsharplin[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A]/
     ydsharpquad[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A] // PiecewiseExpand;
Asharpquad[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := 
     q1r fr[r, y, n, w] + q1y fy[r, y, n, w, yd] + 
      q1n fn[r, y, n, w, yd] + h[w, r, y, n, yd](*,
     0\[LessEqual]w\[LessEqual]1*), w^2]] // PiecewiseExpand;
Asharplin[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := 
   q1r fr[r, y, n, w] + q1y fy[r, y, n, w, yd] + 
    q1n fn[r, y, n, w, yd] + h[w, r, y, n, yd](*,
   0\[LessEqual]w\[LessEqual]1*), w];
Atent[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, 
   yd_] := -0.5 Asharplin[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd]/
     Asharpquad[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd] // PiecewiseExpand;

and then take the derivatives of the algebraic equations and solve for the desired partial derivatives:

basicEquations = 
   PiecewiseExpand[{A == Atent[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd], 
     yd == ydtent[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A]}];
equationsWithAYDdependentOnN = 
  basicEquations /. {eqs__Equal} :> ({eqs} /. {A -> A[n], 
       yd -> yd[n]});
derivativeOfTheEquationsWRTn = 
  equationsWithAYDdependentOnN /. {eqs__Equal} :> Simplify@D[{eqs}, n];
partialDerivativesOfAYD = 
 derivativeOfTheEquationsWRTn /. {eqs__Equal} :> 
   FullSimplify@First@Solve[{eqs}, {A'[n], yd'[n]}]

You get algebraic formulas for the derivatives A'[n], yd'[n], with conditions of validity that come from the Min. Your further conditions 0 <= A <= 1, yd >= 0 are not included.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 8 years ago

Thanks, but I don't know if this applies to my situation. I don't think it is possible to solve for the derivatives analytically, as in this example, but I could be wrong. Here is the code:

fr[r, y, n, A] := A (rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]] - krg3 ncd[rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]]]) + (1 - A) rig[y] - A rcd - (1 - A) rid fy[r, y, n, A, ycd_] := r p[r, y, n, A] (A ycg[rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]], ycd] + (1 - A) yig[n]) fn[r, y, n, A, ycd_] := nig + ncg* n (h[A, r, y, n, ycd] - hc[ycd]) - (A ncd[rcg[hi[r, y, n, A]]] + nid)

rcg[h_] := krg1 - (h krg2 )
ycg[rp_, yd_] := kyg1 - rp kyg2 - kyg3 yd
ncd[rp_] := knd1 rp^2 
hi[r_, y_, n_, 
  A_] := (kr1 r - kr2 r^2) (ky1 y - ky2 y^2 ) (kn1 n - kn2 n^2) (1 + 
    khi A)
h[A_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := A hc[yd] + (1 - A) hi[r, y, n, A]
rig[y_] := kig1 + y kig2 
hc[yd_] := hci - kc yd^2 
p[r_, y_, n_, 
  A_] := (hi[ky1/(2 ky2), kr1/(2 kr2), kn1/(2 kn2), A] - 
    hi[r, y, n, A] )/(hi[ky1/(2 ky2), kr1/(2 kr2), kn1/(2 kn2), A] - 
    hi[rinit, yinit, ninit, A])
yig[n_] := kyig1 + n kyig2 
ydsharpquad[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, A_] :=

  Coefficient[(q2y - 1) fy[r, y, n, A, w] + q2n fn[r, y, n, A, w](*,
   hc[w]>=0*), w^2]]

ydsharplin[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, A_] :=

 Coefficient[(q2y - 1) fy[r, y, n, A, w] + q2n fn[r, y, n, A, w](*,hc[
  w]>=0*), w] 
ydtent[q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_, 
  A_] := -0.5 ydsharplin[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A]/
   ydsharpquad[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A]
Asharpquad[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := 
   q1r fr[r, y, n, w] + q1y fy[r, y, n, w, yd] + 
    q1n fn[r, y, n, w, yd] + h[w, r, y, n, yd](*,0<=w<=1*), w^2]]
Asharplin[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, yd_] := 
  q1r fr[r, y, n, w] + q1y fy[r, y, n, w, yd] + 
   q1n fn[r, y, n, w, yd] + h[w, r, y, n, yd](*,0<=w<=1*), w]
Atent[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, r_, y_, n_, 
  yd_] := -0.5 Asharplin[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd]/
   Asharpquad[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd]
sol[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_] := 
 Solve[{A == Atent[q1r, q1y, q1n, r, y, n, yd], 
   yd == ydtent[q2y, q2n, r, y, n, A], 0 <= A <= 1, yd >= 0}, {A, yd},
Asharp[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_] := 
 If[sol[q1r, q1y, q1n, q2y, q2n, r, y, n] == {}, 0, 
  sol[q1r, q1y, q1n, q2y, q2n, r, y, n][[1]][[1]][[2]]]
ydsharp[q1r_, q1y_, q1n_, q2y_, q2n_, r_, y_, n_] := 
 If[sol[q1r, q1y, q1n, q2y, q2n, r, y, n] == {}, 0, 
  sol[q1r, q1y, q1n, q2y, q2n, r, y, n][[1]][[2]][[2]]]
q1rinit = 0.1
q1yinit = 0.1
q1ninit = 0.1
q2rinit = -0.1
q2yinit = -0.1
q2ninit = -0.1
krg1 = 1; krg2 = 0.1; kyg1 = 1; kyg2 = 0.1; kyg3 = 0.1; knd1 = 1; kr1 \
= 1; kr2 = 0.01; ky1 = 1; ky2 = 0.01; kn1 = 1; kn2 = 0.01; kig1 = 1; \
kig2 = 1; hci = 1.1; krg3 = 1; rcd = 1; rid = 0.1; ncg = 1; nig = 1; \
kc = 0.1; yinit = 1; rinit = 1; ninit = 1.; nid = 1; tfinal = 0.01; \
kyig1 = 1; kyig2 = 0.1; yid = 1; khi = 0.5; Ainit = 0.5; ydinit = 0; \
Afinal = 0; ydfinal = 0.1







Derivative[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1][
  Asharp][q1rinit, q1yinit, q1ninit, q2yinit, q2ninit, rinit, yinit, \

Out[391]= $Aborted
In[398]:= Asharp[q1rinit, q1yinit, q1ninit, q2yinit, q2ninit, rinit, \
yinit, ninit]

During evaluation of In[398]:= Solve::ratnz: Solve was unable to solve the system with inexact coefficients. The answer was obtained by solving a corresponding exact system and numericizing the result. >>

Out[398]= 0.175365
POSTED BY: Iuval Clejan

Even if your f is defined implicitly, you can easily find a formula for the partial derivatives by taking the derivative of the equation and then solving for the derivative of f:

eq = (x + y + z) Sin[y^2 + z^3] == 1/2
% /. z -> f[x, y]
D[%, x]
Solve[%, D[f[x, y], x]]

I don't know if this method applies to your situation.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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