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Avoid "$Aborted" output in small Manipulate apps?

Posted 8 years ago

Now I have gotten these same errors on 3 different small Manipulate[] applications. I am hoping someone on this board had these problems and were able to get around them.

The symptoms are:

1) first time it comes up, it immediately returns $Aborted. Subsequent invocations seem to work without errors.

2) after it successfully works, something is continually running...I have tried ContinuousAction and TrackedSymbols to no avail. In my other apps where some randomization is introduced, Manipulate[] keeps evaluating the expression over-and-over.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. -------------------------- For this type of problem, my development process is always the same

First create a Mathematica command to accomplish the design. This one uses WolframAlpha[] and Interpreter[]. It parses the results from W|a and feeds them to Interpreter[]. I work on a small expression like this until my test cases run clean.

Cases[Interpreter["City"][#] & /@ 
  WolframAlpha["cities in niger", {{"Result", 1}, "ComputableData"}]
 , Except@_Failure]

Then I wrap this in a Manipulate[] with a single parameter. When I invoke this, it almost immediately emits this:

screenshot of error

Then I run it with other values and it seems to work fine. But it keeps running.

 Cases[Interpreter["City"][#] & /@ 
   WolframAlpha["cities in " <> ToString@adminDiv
    , {{"Result", 1}, "ComputableData"}]
  , Except@_Failure]
 , {adminDiv, "zimbabwe"}
POSTED BY: Aeyoss Antelope
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