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Symlets wavelets give different results after upgrading Mathematica 11.0.1?

Posted 9 years ago

Hello, I have a problem with Symlets Wavelets.... I'm processing rather irregular curves, and I use these wavelets to filter these curves. But my results changed after I upgraded Math 11.0->11.0.1 ! To clarify the situation, I merely tried to verify whether or not the transformation is invertible (with respect to the Symlets system). It is not (neither the scale nor the shape of the signal is good), while everything is right inside the Haar basis (see the attached notebook)! I'm not at all an expert of the field, but I suspect something goes wrong. Is it a bug, or a misuse? Thank you very much, Claude

POSTED BY: Claude Mante
5 Replies

If I could debug this for you, I would. But, I cannot reproduce the problem. The problem is somehow specific to your computer.


(1) Create a new, empty notebook.

(2) Put this code in the notebook.

Don = {....}
TransfoBis = StationaryWaveletTransform[Don, SymletWavelet[8]];
Filtre = InverseWaveletTransform[TransfoBis];
ListPlot[Don - Filtre, PlotRange -> All]

(3) Reduce the size of Don as small as possible while showing your problem.

(4) Evaluate the command SystemInformation[] in this notebook. This command produces a dialog with lots of information about your computer and Mathematica installation.

(5) Send an email to Wolfram Technical Support ( or Attach this new notebook to the email. In the email, tell them that InverseWavletTransform doesn't appear to be working correctly on your computer. They will be able to forward your email to someone who will be able to help you.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Hello, I extracted the fist 100 values of the original list, and the main problem is met again: the wavelet transfom with symlets is not invertible!

More precisely, it depends on the number p of vanishing moments of SymletWavelet[p]: it seems that the transfomation is invertible only for p<4. Is there a reason for that?

I'm working of Window7 professional.

Regards, Claude

POSTED BY: Claude Mante

To begin with, try to make the example as small as possible. Your problem is demonstrated in the first notebook by this:

Don = {....}
TransfoBis = StationaryWaveletTransform[Don, SymletWavelet[8]];
Filtre = InverseWaveletTransform[TransfoBis];
ListPlot[Don - Filtre, PlotRange -> All]

How small can you make "Don" and still reproduce the problem?

Also, I'm not seeing this issue on my machine. For me, The mean value of the absolute value of the residuals is rather small:

Mean[Abs[Don - Filtre]]


(1) I would suggest trying to reset Mathematica to its installation default configuration according to this article: (2) What OS are you working on?

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke

Unfortunately, the previous version was uninstalled from my PC, but I confirm that I noticed that the obtained results were different after upgrading. In fact, I used Symlets for filtering signals, and, as you can see on the second notebook, the signal filtred with these wavelets is completely different from the signal filtered with Haar wavelets, or Daubechies'. I don't think it's normal; in addition, in the notebook I sent yesterday, we could observe that, in this system, InverseWaveletTransform[StationaryWaveletTransform[data, SymletWavelet[8]]] is totally different from data! It's abnormal, I think...

POSTED BY: Claude Mante

If I understand your question correctly, you want to know why the results are different in 11.0.0 and 11.0.1.

So to begin, we should first quantify what is different about the results in 11.0.0 and 11.0.1. Do you have both of these versions installed?

When I run your code in both versions, I do not see a difference. Can you be precise about what is different? Is it the value of "Filtre"? If so, can you specify some indices which are different?

After we've indentified what is different, the next step is to simplify and reduce the example as much as possible. Can you reproduce the issue with half of the data?

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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