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[Cash] $100 bounty: design a chat bot of chained responses

I need a function written and don't have time to do it so I am offering $100 to whoever can write the shortest and most simple example code that accomplishes my goals.

I use regular expressions (regex) a lot in my NLP projects. There is a bastardization of regex called spintax.

It is basically just {content|other content} chained to other {alternatives|strings}.

It usually comes nested as well. so it could be {phrases|some {other|similar} content} chained to similar {alternative {synonyms|strings}|parts of speach}

In real life, it looks like this:

"{{I need|I want|I would like} |}{help|support|assistance|help support|{customer support|customer care|customer service|support service|support services|consumer support|client care|client service|service}}{ {please|if possible|if you please|bear in mind|pls}|}"

This outputs variations of the sentence such as:

  • I want help if possible
  • I need support please
  • I want help if you please
  • I need assistance

I need a function where I can just paste this spintax code into a variable and have it spit out these variations.

I imagine it could be something like:

spinTax = 
  "{{I need|I want|I would like} |}{help|support|assistance|help support|{customer support|customer care|customer service|support service|support services|consumer support|client care|client service|service}}{ {please|if possible|if you please|bear in mind|pls}|}";

variationCount = 4;

spinFunc = (*Some cool function that spits out variations*)

spinClean = Union[spinFunc]; (*Clean up the list, remove duplicates, etc. Run function again until desired count of unique variations is reached*)

Out[10] = {"I want help if possible", "I need support please", "I want help if you please", "I need assistance"}

Here is my code in PHP that outputs in json. Maybe this can help.

  # Show results.


class Spintax
    public function process($text)
        return preg_replace_callback(
            array($this, 'replace'),

    public function replace($text)
        $text = $this->process($text[1]);
        $parts = explode('|', $text);
        return $parts[array_rand($parts)];

$spintax = new Spintax();
$string = $output['output'];

$spunVariations = array();
for ($x = 0; $x <= $variationCount; $x++) {
$spunVariations[] = $spintax->process($string);
$spunVariations= array_keys(array_count_values($spunVariations));
$x = count($spunVariations, COUNT_RECURSIVE);

$spunVariations= array_keys(array_count_values($spunVariations));
 $arr = $output['output'];
    //echo json_encode($arr);
    echo json_encode($spunVariations);

    echo json_encode("Error:". $output[error]);
  # There were errors.
    echo json_encode("Error:". $output[error]);

This PHP example doesn't have the function of ensuring that the resulting list has only unique values in it. It also doesn't have any checks to make sure the resulting sentences are greatly different from each other.

POSTED BY: David Johnston
17 Replies

@Sander Huisman

I sent you an email about getting you paid. Please check your spam folder.

POSTED BY: David Johnston

Bounty received! Enjoy your code!

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Very interesting. Thank you very much for contributing! You are awesome for that!

I think Sander's code does split up the string.

spinTax = 
  "{{I need|I want|I would like} |}{help|support|assistance|help support|{customer support|customer care|customer service|support service|support services|consumer support|client care|client service|service}}{ {please|if possible|if you please|bear in mind|pls}|}";

How do you think your idea would work with the nested code?

Its not simple {phrase|phrase} {phrase|phrase} {phrase|phrase}.

There is nesting inside like {{phrase|phrase}|} {phrase|{synonym|synonym}}{ {phrase|phrase}|}

It's hard to deal with spacing because, as an example, { phrase|} means phrase with a space in front of it OR nothing. So, sometimes whole sections of the sentence need to have the option of not appearing at all.

Notice in your output that it is only generating complete sentences. This is not the desired result due to the fact that user queries are often broken parts of sentences.


POSTED BY: David Johnston


The spaces are relatively straightforward -- you should keep the phrases as lists and at the end, your function for joining the lists into a string can add spaces.

To make the phrase optional, just add a "" as the last element in the list. For example, firstpart = {"I need", "I want", "I would like", ""}; This phrase now becomes optional.

I have not spent time on the nesting but my first inclination is to just nest the Outer function. All of the logic you might want to apply (Union, Intersection, And, Or) is all available within Mathematica if you handle everything as lists. for example, If you want {a | b} {{c | d}{e| f}} it becomes Outer[{a,b},Outer[{c , d}{e, f}]] This list has the correct nested structure -- you just need to join the strings in the end.

POSTED BY: Neil Singer

Splitting up the string is not that straight-forward, though not impossible. But the creation of your nested Outers is not that easy to do algorithmically. Furthermore this method won't work with some of the strings David gave; it will create millions and millions of entries and it will just crash; i had the same problem on my first try, see above. The problems seems easy at first, but is more tricky than I thought it would be. Outer can indeed be used quite nicely, (or in the same way StringJoin/@Tuples[...] which might actually be a bit faster, Outer is known to be slow-ish because it doesn't use any vectorisation). Spaces should not be a big issue indeed... You could even add spaces between all the items, and then later remove double-spaces...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Here is a situation in which changing your data structure a bit can make things much easier. If you start with lists of strings instead of a single string (or turn your strings into lists of strings) you can do this with one function ("Outer") in Mathematica: Here are two ways to do it depending on if your inputs are separated or together.

In[7]:= firstpart = {"I need", "I want", "I would like"};
secondpart = {" help", " support", " assistance", " customer support"};
thirdpart = {" please", " if possible"};

allparts = {firstpart, secondpart, thirdpart};

In[11]:= Outer[StringJoin, firstpart, secondpart, thirdpart]

Out[11]= {{{"I need help please", 
   "I need help if possible"}, {"I need support please", 
   "I need support if possible"}, {"I need assistance please", 
   "I need assistance if possible"}, {"I need customer support \
please", "I need customer support if possible"}}, {{"I want help \
please", "I want help if possible"}, {"I want support please", 
   "I want support if possible"}, {"I want assistance please", 
   "I want assistance if possible"}, {"I want customer support \
please", "I want customer support if possible"}}, {{"I would like \
help please", 
   "I would like help if possible"}, {"I would like support please", 
   "I would like support if possible"}, {"I would like assistance \
please", "I would like assistance if possible"}, {"I would like \
customer support please", 
   "I would like customer support if possible"}}}

In[12]:= Outer @@ Join[{StringJoin}, allparts]

Out[12]= {{{"I need help please", 
   "I need help if possible"}, {"I need support please", 
   "I need support if possible"}, {"I need assistance please", 
   "I need assistance if possible"}, {"I need customer support \
please", "I need customer support if possible"}}, {{"I want help \
please", "I want help if possible"}, {"I want support please", 
   "I want support if possible"}, {"I want assistance please", 
   "I want assistance if possible"}, {"I want customer support \
please", "I want customer support if possible"}}, {{"I would like \
help please", 
   "I would like help if possible"}, {"I would like support please", 
   "I would like support if possible"}, {"I would like assistance \
please", "I would like assistance if possible"}, {"I would like \
customer support please", 
   "I would like customer support if possible"}}} 

Note that the output has every combination as a nested list (which might be useful to you or you may want to Flatten it). Also, I added spaces to the second and third parts to make the final strings readable. You could easily do this programmatically or as part of your input.

POSTED BY: Neil Singer

Note that the creation of non-similar entries automatically leads to a n^2 algorithm as one has to compare a lot of strings with each other; that is, it gets more and more computer intensive to calculate many examples. However we can get better suggestion by the following procedure:

Say we want to create 50 entries total. What we do is, we create 5x that: 250 candidates:

CleanPhrase[x_String]:=StringTrim[StringReplace[x," "..->" "]]

spinTax="{How much|What amount|Exactly how much|How much money|What amount of money|What} {would|could|will|should|does} {it cost| the price be} {for|for the|for your|for about} {{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0{k|}|00{k| thousand}|000|0000}|{2|3|4|5}00000}{ {monthly|month to month|per month|every month|once a month|reoccurring|}{ {account|subscription|membership}{ level|}|}{ {service|services|program|service|plan|plans|}|}| credits|}";

candidates will now hold 250 samples. We create the so-called NearestNeighborGraph for these entries. This will look like something like this:

enter image description here

Now each point (Vertex) is connected to it's closest other strings. So a string with many connection is close to many other; we want to eliminate those, and 'disconnect' the graph. For each vertex we ask the number of connections and then pick those vertices whose connections are the smallest:

CleanPhrase[x_String]:=StringTrim[StringReplace[x," "..->" "]]
    candidates=Union[SplitUpAll[x,n m]];

testing out:

spinTax="{How much|What amount|Exactly how much|How much money|What amount of money|What} {would|could|will|should|does} {it cost| the price be} {for|for the|for your|for about} {{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0{k|}|00{k| thousand}|000|0000}|{2|3|4|5}00000}{ {monthly|month to month|per month|every month|once a month|reoccurring|}{ {account|subscription|membership}{ level|}|}{ {service|services|program|service|plan|plans|}|}| credits|}";

should give more 'diverse' choices.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Here is what I got so far. I am pre

spinTax = 
  "{How much|What amount|Exactly how much|How much money|What amount of money|What} {would|could|will|should|does} {it cost| the price be} {for|for the|for your|for about} {{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0{k|}|00{k| thousand}|000|0000}|{2|3|4|5}00000}{ {monthly|month to month|per month|every month|once a month|reoccurring|}{ {account|subscription|membership}{ level|}|}{ {service|services|program|service|plan|plans|}|}| credits|}";
variationCount = 5;
varationLoop = 0;
spunList = {};

ClearAll[SplitUp, SplitUpAll]
SplitUp[s_String] := 
  "{" ~~ x : (Except["{" | "}"] ..) ~~ "}" :> 
   RandomChoice[StringSplit[x, "|", All]]]
SplitUpAll[x_String] := FixedPoint[SplitUp, x]
SplitUpAll[x_String, n_Integer?Positive] := Table[SplitUpAll[x], n]

spunList = {};
While[varationLoop < variationCount,
  StringTrim[StringReplace[SplitUpAll[spinTax], "  " -> " "]]];
spunList = Union[spunList];
varationLoop = 0;


"How much does it cost for 500k once a month subscription level"
"How much does the price be for 300000 services"
"How much should the price be for your 600k"
"What amount should the price be for the 20k credits"
"What will the price be for your 200000 credits"
POSTED BY: David Johnston

The while loop is not necessary, one can give a second argument:

CleanPhrase[x_String]:=StringTrim[StringReplace[x," "..->" "]]

spinTax="{How much|What amount|Exactly how much|How much money|What amount of money|What} {would|could|will|should|does} {it cost| the price be} {for|for the|for your|for about} {{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0{k|}|00{k| thousand}|000|0000}|{2|3|4|5}00000}{ {monthly|month to month|per month|every month|once a month|reoccurring|}{ {account|subscription|membership}{ level|}|}{ {service|services|program|service|plan|plans|}|}| credits|}";


How much does the price be for your 200000
How much money does it cost for 3000 credits
How much money should the price be for about 1000 credits
How much money would the price be for 500000 month to month service
How much should the price be for about 60000 account plans
POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Thank you. You are amazing! :) So much appreciated!

Can you post the notebook as I was unable to get these to work via copy-paste. Were you able to get it to work with each of the samples?

The idea is not to generate "All" variations but to generate up to the amount that is in the variable "variationCount=50" or whatever number. Otherwise, it can run forever if the Spintax is complex.

Also, the idea is not to just simply generate "Random" samples but to generate the most "Unique" and high-quality samples. Maybe there should be a variable like "similarityGen="true" or "false" so we can differentiate between them.

I was thinking of generating a random sample and then generating a large number of samples and then using Nearest function in an iterative loop to get the "True" result of very similar samples. However, I was not sure on how we could do the "False" and generate variations that are not similar to each other.

"True" result:

  • I need help
  • need help
  • needs help

"False" result:

  • I need help
  • would like assistance
  • I require support please

What would be even more awesome is if it can incorporate grammar/spell checking as part of its quality check. That would be amazing. Contact me directly so I can get you paid. :)

Also, if anyone else wants to put forth a better solution, I will also pay you in addition to Sander.

POSTED BY: David Johnston

Generating all gets very tricky as the number of possibilities goes exponential as you may have noticed, to get some random choices one can do:


now the second variable n will give you n random choices (variations). If I understood your php code correctly, I think this is what it does.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Ok, this must be the minimised version, can't really compress it much more without it being completely unreadable...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Here is some updated code with more use of built-in functionality:

ClearAll[PreProcess, SplitUp, SplitUpAll]
PreProcess[x_String] := FixedPoint[StringReplace[#, "{}" -> ""] &, x]
SplitUp[s_List] := Join @@ (SplitUp /@ s) 
SplitUp[s_String] := Module[{pos, parts},
  pos = StringPosition[s, "{" ~~ Except["{" | "}"] .. ~~ "}"];
  If[Length[pos] >= 1,
   pos = pos[[1]];
   parts = StringSplit[StringTake[s, pos + {1, -1}], "|", All];
   StringReplacePart[s, #, pos] & /@ parts 
SplitUpAll[x_String] := Union[FixedPoint[SplitUp, PreProcess[x]]]
SplitUpAll[x_String, n_Integer?Positive] := RandomSample[SplitUpAll[x], n]

Bracketless is gone, can be done (and faster) with Except. Note that PreProcess could be removed. But I'm still not sure what you want with variationCount

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Here are two more samples of the spintax:

"{How much|What amount|Exactly how much|How much money|What amount of money|What} {would|could|will|should|does} {it cost| the price be} {for|for the|for your|for about} {{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}{0{k|}|00{k| thousand}|000|0000}|{2|3|4|5}00000}{ {monthly|month to month|per month|every month|once a month|reoccurring|}{ {account|subscription|membership}{ level|}|}{ {service|services|program|service|plan|plans|}|}| credits|}"


"{{I'm|I am|Now i'm|I am just|Now I am|I'm just|We are|We're|I have been|I'm}{ {doing|trying to do|certainly|definitely|undoubtedly|surely|absolutely|most certainly|actually|really|truly|completely|totally|genuinely|evidently|just|very|exceptionally}|}|{doing|trying to do|certainly|definitely|undoubtedly|surely|absolutely|most certainly|actually|really|truly|completely|totally|genuinely|evidently|just|very|exceptionally}} {fine|good|great|okay|excellent|wonderful|fantastic|alright|ok|all right|exceptional|well|superb|amazing|decent|bad|poor|terrible|awful|lousy|horrible|dreadful|less than ideal|less than perfect|below average|crappy|disastrous|not good|wonderful|splendid|marvelous|awesome|remarkable|extraordinary|incredible|fabulous|magnificent|brilliant|outstanding|exceptional|good|lovely|phenomenal|spectacular|marvellous|glorious}"


"{{Specifically|Precisely|Exactly|Just|Really} how|How|How} {are u|r u|r you|are you|do you {think|believe|feel|assume|believe that|suppose|presume|think that|sense|feel that} you're|do you find yourself} {{actually|really|in fact|truly|basically|essentially|in reality|genuinely|literally|realistically|in truth|seriously|honestly|fundamentally|in essence|generally}|} {doin|doing|getting along|getting by|getting through|managing|feeling|enduring|surviving|sustaining}{ {today|these days|nowadays|right now|currently|now|at this time|at present|presently|in these days|in the present day|at the moment|now a days|right this moment|at this moment|as we speak|at this point|recently|this morning|this afternoon|lately|as of late|of late|in this time}|}?"
POSTED BY: David Johnston

Wow! Very fast response! I greatly appreciate your work! Thank you very much!

I ran the code and it works. :) As I examined it, it appears that you are a very advanced coder and accomplished the task by manually building the logic steps. It is very complicated. Maybe more complicated than my PHP code. It seems like Java to me. ;)

I assumed there are more ways to simplify using some of Wolfram's built-in string manipulation functions and other Wolfram functions?

Also, since I am building this as an API, it needs the variationCount parameter. You use SplitUpAll twice so I am not sure how to manipulate the resulting list.

Again, thank you. If it can't be simplified and made easier to work with, I will still pay. Hopefully somehow its possible though. :)

POSTED BY: David Johnston

Depends on how you define 'simplified' I can compact the hell out of the code, but it won't be readable any more. There is always a balance between concise and understandability. Especially if someone finds a bug or wants to broaden the functionality later.

What should variationCount do exactly? My function SplitUpAll gives all the possibilities from the string, if a second argument n is given, it will give n randomly sampled from those.

The PreProcess is technically not necessary but is just neat. Other functionality can be put in there to preprocess the input data.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Here is some code that does the job:

PreProcess[x_String]:=FixedPoint[StringReplace[#,"{}"->""]&,x] (* remove empty sets *)
Bracketless[x_String]:=StringCount[x,"{"]==0\[And]StringCount[x,"}"]==0 (* contains no brackets *)
SplitUp[s_List]:=Join@@(SplitUp/@s) (* if we get a list of items, apply split to each of them, then join their results *)
    pos=StringPosition[s,"{"~~__~~"}",Overlaps->All]; (* find all positions with an opening and closing bracket*)
    pos=Select[pos,Bracketless[StringTake[s,#+{1,-1}]]&]; (* select those who do not have internal brackets *)
    If[Length[pos]>=1, (* if there is one *)
        pos=pos[[1]]; (* take the first one *)
        parts=StringSplit[StringTake[s,pos+{1,-1}],"|",All]; (* split it up using | , note that All is important! it allows for empty strings *)
        StringReplacePart[s,#,pos]&/@parts (* replace them in place *)
        {s} (* if there is none, then return original string *)


spinTax="{{I need|I want|I would like} |}{help|support|assistance|help support|{customer support|customer care|customer service|support service|support services|consumer support|client care|client service|service}}{ {please|if possible|if you please|bear in mind|pls}|}";


assistance bear in mind
assistance if possible
assistance if you please
assistance please
assistance pls
client care
client care bear in mind
client care if possible
client care if you please
client care please
client care pls
client service
client service bear in mind
client service if possible
client service if you please
client service please
client service pls
consumer support
consumer support bear in mind
consumer support if possible
consumer support if you please
consumer support please
consumer support pls
customer care
customer care bear in mind
customer care if possible
customer care if you please
customer care please
customer care pls
customer service
customer service bear in mind
customer service if possible
customer service if you please
customer service please
customer service pls
customer support
customer support bear in mind
customer support if possible
customer support if you please
customer support please
customer support pls
help bear in mind
help if possible
help if you please
help please
help pls
help support
help support bear in mind
help support if possible
help support if you please
help support please
help support pls
I need assistance
I need assistance bear in mind
I need assistance if possible
I need assistance if you please
I need assistance please
I need assistance pls
I need client care
I need client care bear in mind
I need client care if possible
I need client care if you please
I need client care please
I need client care pls
I need client service
I need client service bear in mind
I need client service if possible
I need client service if you please
I need client service please
I need client service pls
I need consumer support
I need consumer support bear in mind
I need consumer support if possible
I need consumer support if you please
I need consumer support please
I need consumer support pls
I need customer care
I need customer care bear in mind
I need customer care if possible
I need customer care if you please
I need customer care please
I need customer care pls
I need customer service
I need customer service bear in mind
I need customer service if possible
I need customer service if you please
I need customer service please
I need customer service pls
I need customer support
I need customer support bear in mind
I need customer support if possible
I need customer support if you please
I need customer support please
I need customer support pls
I need help
I need help bear in mind
I need help if possible
I need help if you please
I need help please
I need help pls
I need help support
I need help support bear in mind
I need help support if possible
I need help support if you please
I need help support please
I need help support pls
I need service
I need service bear in mind
I need service if possible
I need service if you please
I need service please
I need service pls
I need support
I need support bear in mind
I need support if possible
I need support if you please
I need support please
I need support pls
I need support service
I need support service bear in mind
I need support service if possible
I need support service if you please
I need support service please
I need support service pls
I need support services
I need support services bear in mind
I need support services if possible
I need support services if you please
I need support services please
I need support services pls
I want assistance
I want assistance bear in mind
I want assistance if possible
I want assistance if you please
I want assistance please
I want assistance pls
I want client care
I want client care bear in mind
I want client care if possible
I want client care if you please
I want client care please
I want client care pls
I want client service
I want client service bear in mind
I want client service if possible
I want client service if you please
I want client service please
I want client service pls
I want consumer support
I want consumer support bear in mind
I want consumer support if possible
I want consumer support if you please
I want consumer support please
I want consumer support pls
I want customer care
I want customer care bear in mind
I want customer care if possible
I want customer care if you please
I want customer care please
I want customer care pls
I want customer service
I want customer service bear in mind
I want customer service if possible
I want customer service if you please
I want customer service please
I want customer service pls
I want customer support
I want customer support bear in mind
I want customer support if possible
I want customer support if you please
I want customer support please
I want customer support pls
I want help
I want help bear in mind
I want help if possible
I want help if you please
I want help please
I want help pls
I want help support
I want help support bear in mind
I want help support if possible
I want help support if you please
I want help support please
I want help support pls
I want service
I want service bear in mind
I want service if possible
I want service if you please
I want service please
I want service pls
I want support
I want support bear in mind
I want support if possible
I want support if you please
I want support please
I want support pls
I want support service
I want support service bear in mind
I want support service if possible
I want support service if you please
I want support service please
I want support service pls
I want support services
I want support services bear in mind
I want support services if possible
I want support services if you please
I want support services please
I want support services pls
I would like assistance
I would like assistance bear in mind
I would like assistance if possible
I would like assistance if you please
I would like assistance please
I would like assistance pls
I would like client care
I would like client care bear in mind
I would like client care if possible
I would like client care if you please
I would like client care please
I would like client care pls
I would like client service
I would like client service bear in mind
I would like client service if possible
I would like client service if you please
I would like client service please
I would like client service pls
I would like consumer support
I would like consumer support bear in mind
I would like consumer support if possible
I would like consumer support if you please
I would like consumer support please
I would like consumer support pls
I would like customer care
I would like customer care bear in mind
I would like customer care if possible
I would like customer care if you please
I would like customer care please
I would like customer care pls
I would like customer service
I would like customer service bear in mind
I would like customer service if possible
I would like customer service if you please
I would like customer service please
I would like customer service pls
I would like customer support
I would like customer support bear in mind
I would like customer support if possible
I would like customer support if you please
I would like customer support please
I would like customer support pls
I would like help
I would like help bear in mind
I would like help if possible
I would like help if you please
I would like help please
I would like help pls
I would like help support
I would like help support bear in mind
I would like help support if possible
I would like help support if you please
I would like help support please
I would like help support pls
I would like service
I would like service bear in mind
I would like service if possible
I would like service if you please
I would like service please
I would like service pls
I would like support
I would like support bear in mind
I would like support if possible
I would like support if you please
I would like support please
I would like support pls
I would like support service
I would like support service bear in mind
I would like support service if possible
I would like support service if you please
I would like support service please
I would like support service pls
I would like support services
I would like support services bear in mind
I would like support services if possible
I would like support services if you please
I would like support services please
I would like support services pls
service bear in mind
service if possible
service if you please
service please
service pls
support bear in mind
support if possible
support if you please
support please
support pls
support service
support service bear in mind
support service if possible
support service if you please
support service please
support service pls
support services
support services bear in mind
support services if possible
support services if you please
support services please
support services pls

The code can be shortened a bit, but kept it as is for legibility...

PS. You can also use RegularExpression in Mathematica, unfortunately regexp always confuses me a lot, absolutely the worst when it comes to readability...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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