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Equation of plane through a point parallel to a plane

Posted 8 years ago


Find the equation of the plane through the point $(3, -2, 8)$ parallel to the plane $z = x + y$. Use Mathematica to sketch the planes and the line between the original plane and the new translated plane.


You should look at the guide for "Plane Geometry" - or in the help section of Mathematica or online: Plane Geometry. You also can look at the guide for Geometric Computation and specifically Properties and Measures.

I Solved your problem doing the following:

(* I picked three points on the plane z = x + y by putting in 0 or 1 for x and y *)
    pl = InfinitePlane[{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 1}}];
mypt = {3, -2, 8}

(* find the point on the plane nearest mypt *)
pt = RegionNearest[pl, mypt]

(* although not needed, calculate the distance *)
dist = SignedRegionDistance[pl, mypt]

(* calculate a translation to move the plane *)
dir = mypt - pt

(* translate the plane in the distance in that direction *)
pl2 = TransformedRegion[pl, TranslationTransform[dir]]

(* create a line to see if we did it correctly *)
myln = Line[{pt, mypt}]

(* Now graph the old plane, the new plane and the line to see if it really works out *)
Graphics3D[{pl, myln, pl2}]

(* Equation for your new plane *)
RegionMember[pl2, {x, y, z}][[2]]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Neil Singer
Posted 8 years ago

A fun problem. And here is another approach. The equation for the second plane is generated as the set of all lines through the given point, and orthogonal to the normal of the first plane. Then a point-vector form for a 3D line using the point and the normal is intersected with plane 1 to find the corresponding point.

In[1]:=  (* equation for the first plane *)
plane1 = x + y - z == 0;

In[2]:= (* point on second plane *)
pointOnPlane2 = {3, -2, 8};

In[3]:= (* Each point on plane 2 can be associated with a vector from \
the given point *)
vectors = {x, y, z} - pointOnPlane2

Out[3]= {-3 + x, 2 + y, -8 + z}

In[4]:= (* Each vector is embedded in plane 2,and is therefore \
orthogonal to any normal to the plane 2. Since the planes are \
parallel, we choose a normal to the first plane. *)

In[5]:= normalToPlane1 = Grad[plane1[[1]], {x, y, z}]

Out[5]= {1, 1, -1}

In[6]:= (* we impose the orthogonality constraint on the set of vectors which \
generate plane 2 *)
plane2 = vectors.normalToPlane1 == 0

Out[6]= 7 + x + y - z == 0

In[7]:= (* now use a point-vector form for a line normal to both \
planes containing the point on plane 2, and intersect that with plane \
1 to get the corresponding point *)
pointOnPlane1 = {x, y, z} /. 
   Reduce[{plane1, {x, y, z} == pointOnPlane2 + t normalToPlane1}]

Out[7]= {16/3, 1/3, 17/3}

In[8]:= pmax = 15;

In[9]:= plot = Show[
  ContourPlot3D[{plane1, plane2} // Evaluate, {x, -pmax, 
    pmax}, {y, -pmax, pmax}, {z, -pmax, pmax}, 
   AxesLabel -> {"X", "Y", "Z"}, ContourStyle -> Opacity[0.6]],
  ListPlot3D[{pointOnPlane2, pointOnPlane1}, 
   PlotStyle -> Directive[PointSize[.02], Red]],
  Graphics3D@{Red, Thick, Line[{pointOnPlane1, pointOnPlane2}]}

enter image description here

POSTED BY: David Keith
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