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Different behavior between Mathematica 11.0.1 and on-line Mathematica

Posted 8 years ago

I have recently started using on-line Mathematica, and found some unexpected features in the on-line version which seem to be discouraging. I uploaded a notebook which is running smoothly in the desktop version, but which doesn't exhibit the same behavior when it runs in the cloud.

For example, I have a simple graphics object, say a Line, depicting an angle, whose vertex is controlled by a dynamic locator. This object is simply omitted and does not appear in the on-line version.

Another example: in a series of plots controlled by a radio button bar, I have sliders which must appear only at some specific values of the button bar, and this is controlled by a PaneSelector. This runs without a hitch in the desktop, but in the on-line version it doesn't work as it should, and all the different sliders appear simultaneously. And, in any case, the sliders do not run smoothly and only reflect the expected motion when the mouse button is released.

I wonder if this is the way the on-line version is supposed to work, in which case it appearse to be useless for my purposes.

POSTED BY: Tomas Garza
2 Replies

It seems that it´s a real problem. Much to my surprise, yours is the only response received in more than a month since I posted my question. I foresee that in the next future the use of Mahematica on-line will have to be restricted to relatively simple problems, avoiding, e.g., dynamic features.

POSTED BY: Tomas Garza

I ran into the same type of problem, and found that the on-line version of Mathematica is not as full featured as the desktop version. I was able to find that a function I was using is not available in the on-line version.

POSTED BY: Steven Stadler
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