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Use Wolfram Cloud to create microservices for enterprise application?

Posted 8 years ago

Is there any paper or specification about how to use Wolfram Languague and Wolfram Cloud to create microservices for enterprise application?


In a microservices architecture, services should have a small granularity and the protocols should be lightweight. A central microservices property that appears in multiple definitions is that services should be independently deployable. The benefit of distributing different responsibilities of the system into different smaller services is that it enhances the cohesion and decreases the coupling. This makes it easier to change and add functions and qualities to the system at any time. It also allows the architecture of an individual service to emerge through continuous refactoring, and hence reduces the need for a big up-front design and allows for releasing software early and continuously.

POSTED BY: Daniel Carvalho
3 Replies

Hopefully right out of the box, your client ap servers should to able to integrate Wolfram Cloud backend IA services, which would include authentication of Wolfram Cloud objects, etc.

POSTED BY: Daniel Carvalho

Wolfram Cloud microsites would be an example of a microservice that is exposed to the public and could also be part of a microservice architecture that captures potential Wolfram customer information. Here’s some microsite “how it works” documentation:

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