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Delete or move large numbers of lines in a notebook?

Posted 8 years ago

Is it possible to highlight and move large numbers of lines of functions in a workbook from one location to another?

In a regular spreadsheet, large blocks of cells can be moved or deleted. In Mathematica, I have such a block used to build a parametric model. Once the book becomes too large, I want to start another book or worksheet fresh with the same model. In a spread sheet, this is easy: highlight, copy, paste.

Does such a function exist within Mathematica? So far I can only do it one function at a time..

POSTED BY: Luther Nayhm
5 Replies
Posted 8 years ago

That's it!!! I would not have found that in a month...which is how long I looked.

Thanks a bunch. BTW, how is that identified in the documentation? and where?


POSTED BY: Luther Nayhm
Posted 8 years ago

You can highlight more than one cell at a time if you click their brackets, using the usual keyboard shortcuts for multiple selection

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Hans Milton
Posted 8 years ago

Not sure of your comment. Can it be done and if so, how? I can only highlight a single cell at a time. Using the typical keys like shift or ctl and moving the cursor to new points does not work. If it can be done, Wolfram has likely created some arcane undocumented key strokes to do it. Or else there is some undocumented technique for creating groups of cells in the first place that allows it to happen. If so, how?

POSTED BY: Luther Nayhm
Posted 8 years ago

Yes, you certainly should be able to highlight multiple notebook cells, copy or cut them, and then paste them into another notebook. Creating sections or groups of cells can make it easier. Perhaps a screenshot if it's not working for you?

POSTED BY: Robert Dickau
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