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Efficiently work with long notebooks?

I am working in a certain matter that has led me to write a long notebook. While doing this a I have started to work in some sections that require theory or keeping visual code developed in some other places. To help with this some applications provide the possibility of dividing the working area vertically or horizontally.Is there a way to do this with notebooks?

Closing and opening groups and subgroups cell may not be enough to achieve this visualization. I will appreciate any comment.


Jesus Rico

2 Replies


Many thanks, that would be one way to do it. It would be nice to see Mathematica developers adding more alternatives to facilitate these kind of routines. I will certainly appreciated it!.



Posted 8 years ago

You can work in a separate notebook. Since they share the same kernel everything done in one is known to the other. I often do this when developing a new section. When I'm happy with it, I paste the entire section into the original notebook where it belongs. I generally quit the kernel and then evaluate the entire notebook just to make sure I haven't forgotten something or got things out of sequence.

POSTED BY: David Keith
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